[Abstract]:The implementation of the new urbanization strategy of "people-oriented" and the realization of the goal of modernization of national governance put forward higher requirements for the level and ability of rural governance based on villagers' autonomy. At present, the overall level of villager autonomy in our country is not high, and the overall performance is poor. As the main "organizational platform" for the operation and realization of villager autonomy, the villager autonomy organization is financially difficult because of the "excessive administration" and the friction between the "two committees". The restriction and influence of many factors, such as excessive management range, often shows that they are "unable to do what they want" when they assume the responsibility of village-level governance, and there is still a considerable gap between the new urbanization and the realization of the goal of modernization of national governance to realize the requirement of villager autonomy. Its positive role depends on the perfection and practice innovation of villager autonomy system.
【作者单位】: 上海社会科学院;南通大学管理学院长江经济带公共政策比较研究所;
【基金】:江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目“苏中地区乡村治理现代化内生性自主力量研究”(编号:2016SJB810005) 南通市社科基金项目“南通乡村治理现代化内生性自主力量研究”(编号:2016BNT0013)的阶段性研究成果
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