[Abstract]:Objective: to explore a mixed prepayment model suitable for the reform of regional medical service system in China and to demonstrate its effect. Methods: drawing lessons from the payment mode of medical group at home and abroad, the group total advance system was designed, which was based on the performance management of prepackaged prepaid payment for single disease category according to the disease measurement group, and the policy intervention control trial was carried out through quasi-experimental policy intervention. The difference model is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in controlling fees and improving service collaboration. Results: a total of 38,980 inpatient reimbursement samples were selected from 4 villages and towns, and 194 medical records were collected from two levels of hospitalization. In the experimental group, the average hospitalization rate per person every 5 months decreased by 0.08%, the risk ratio of hospital service in the tertiary hospital decreased by 0.16%, and the service continuity increased by 33.80%. The group total advance system is helpful to reduce the hospital structure and promote medical cooperation, but the actual effect is affected by the failure of the primary diagnosis and two-way referral system. Conclusion: it is suggested that the future reform should be aimed at encouraging medical cooperation and improving service quality, based on classified diagnosis and information sharing, and on the basis of evidence based on the implementation of appropriate mixed prepaid model.
【作者单位】: 中国药科大学国际医药商学院;华中科技大学同济医学院医药卫生管理学院;湖北农村健康服务研究中心;
【基金】:中华医学基金会资助项目(11-069) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71603278)
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