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发布时间:2018-09-07 12:06
【摘要】:在当今世界经济一体化、竞争全球化的时代背景下,工业化与信息化融合不断深入,工业化是信息化的基础,信息化是工业化高度发展的产物。全球性的信息产业革命对世界经济、政治、社会、文化、军事产生了重大影响,并直接引领西方发达国家向信息社会转型。尤其是,随着信息化加速向数字化、网络化和智能化方向演进,以云计算、大数据、物联网、移动应用、智能控制技术为核心的新“IT”正在重塑传统的信息化应用模式,推进信息技术与经济社会深度融合,形成全新的生产方式、商业模式和生活方式,世界经济格局全面调整。2008年金融危机以后,发达国家纷纷推出“再工业化”战略,推进工业互联网、信息物理生产系统(Cyber-Physical Production System),推进传统产业不断转型升级,国际产业流动、国际产业转移开始呈现新的特征。发展中国家加大了信息化基础设施建设及其参与工业化融合进程。发展中国家既要加速工业化进程,又要面临信息化加速发展的挑战,信息化与工业化的融合已经成为发展中国家实施现代化赶超战略的重要突破口。中国东部、中部和西部由于经济发展条件、经济发展水平不同,工业化发展程度、政策存在显著差异;同时,区域之间的工业化存在转移现象,相较于东部发达地区,中、西部地区的工业化虽然取得较大成就,但是工业化与信息化的融合与东部地区相比仍有差距。因此,中国工业化与信息化的融合,不仅仅是一个技术性问题,或更大范围内的经济性问题,更是一个具有丰富内涵的区域综合性问题。为此从2002年中国第一次提出信息化与工业化融合,到2016年制定《信息化与工业化融合发展规划(2016-2020)》,中国信息化与工业化融合经历了从概念提出到试点示范再到加速发展和跨越式融合等阶段。而随着中国信息化的不断推进,信息技术的应用和信息化建设环境已经有了比较坚实的基础,初步具备与工业化在更高层次、更深程度和更大范围上融合的条件。推进区域信息化与工业化深度融合,对于推进供给侧改革、拉动有效消费需求、提升产业能级、优化产业结构、不断改善民生具有重要意义。中国经济发展进入新常态,2015年《政府工作报告》首次提出《中国制造2025》,实施工业化与信息化融合战略的内容和领域发生了巨大变革。其中,从理论研究层面看,现有的理论研究对信息化、工业化、信息化和工业化的关系,以及信息化与工业化融合的机制、影响因素、水平评价等展开了深入系统的探讨。但整体看来,信息化与工业化融合的区域性特征,特别是信息化与工业化融合水平评价在区域评价指标体系、评价方法选择等方面仍有进一步改善和拓展的空间,而后者正是中国实施信息化与工业化融合规划的战略支点。对此,论文研究区域信息化与工业化融合的影响因素及综合评价研究。论文在梳理信息化与工业化融合的文献基础上,首先界定区域信息化与工业化融合的基本内涵,分析两者融合的层次体系和动力机制;其次,分析影响区域信息化与工业化融合的主要因素,并进行实证检验;再次,构建区域信息化与工业化融合水平评价指标体系,构建区域信息化与工业化融合效率评价指标体系,并分别进行实证研究;最后,提出中国推进区域信息化与工业化融合的实现路径和政策建议。论文研究的主要工作:第一,区域信息化与工业化融合体现在产品、技术、管理等各个层次。从成本-收益的视角,根据趋同理论和模型,论文探讨了区域信息化与工业化融合的动力机制,包括了社会交易成本的减少和收益的增加。从内部-外部激励的视角,论文讨论了信息化与工业化融合技术推动、需求拉动、政府扶持和市场竞争4个方面的外部激励机制,产业结构升级改造的内在压力和企业成长的内驱力2个方面的内部激励机制。第二,在菲尔德两部门模型和EBA模型基础上,利用数据的总体相关性,通过分区域使用Eviews7.2对影响区域信息化与工业化融合的影响因素进行实证回归分析,结果显示:互联网普及率、工业增加值占GDP的比重、规模以上工业企业利润占资产比等指标,对区域信息化与工业化融合指数有积极的正向作用,技术市场交易额、地方财政一般预算收入和行业平均工资的正向影响也十分明显,而居民消费指数、工业治理污染完成投资的影响则为负;东部地区的居民消费指数、地方财政收入、行业平均工资和工业污染完成投资情况比较重要,中部地区的居民消费指数、互联网普及率和地方财政收入作用效果更明显,而西部地区的居民消费指数、地方财政收入、行业平均工资的正向作用基本均衡。第三,从就绪度、应用度以及绩效度三个维度,构建了涵盖22个三级指标的区域信息化与工业化融合的水平评价指标体系,通过熵权-综合指数法记进行实证分析,结果显示:2015年,排名前三的分别为北京、上海和江苏,排名落后的三个省份分别为云南、西藏和甘肃。从时间变化和区域差异角度看,2012-2015年,全国信息化与工业化融合逐步进入快速发展期,基础环境建设效果明显、工业电子商务成为发展亮点、工业互联网初步形成,信息化与工业化深度融合的成效开始逐步显现。另一方面,聚类情况表明地理区域之间还不存在明显的聚类划分,多数省份之间的聚类结果不显示其经济上的差别。第四,通过超效率DEA模型评价31个省市的信息化与工业化融合投入产出效率,结果显示:31个省份的信息化和工业化融合投入产出是有效率的,2012年-2015年间各自的平均效率值为1.1062、1.1022、1.1066、1.0945,总体上呈现下降趋势,但期间存在波动,起伏不大。对比最大值来看,区域信息化与工业化融合投入产出效率值符合总体上下降趋势,但从最小值来看各个省份之间的区域信息化与工业化融合投入产出效率值之间的差距逐步缩小。在此基础上,通过调整各省市的投入与产出幅度,进而实现生产前沿:从全国范围内来看,31个省份投入产出变量均不同程度的需要调整才能达到生产前沿面,而这些变量主要集中在投入变量部分,其中投入变量变动最大的是移动电话普及率、高等学校毕业生人数占就业总人数的比例、中小企业信息化平台建设以及互联网普及率,工业企业研发人员占就业人数比例变动最小。第五,基于影响因素分析、水平和效率评价,论文提出推动区域信息化与工业化深度融合的实现路径,主要包括以下四点:一是针对区域信息化与工业化融合水平和效率空间差异较大的现实,国家提升路径的选择应着眼于减少区域间的“信息鸿沟”,促进区域信息化与工业化融合的平衡;二是优化区域信息化与工业化深度融合的政策环境,包括分维度分层分阶段有序推进信息化与工业化融合、建立推进信息化与工业化融合长效机制和基础服务平台、加大对科技型中小微企业的扶持力度、制定推进信息化与工业化融合的差异化政策、培养熟悉信息化与工业化融合的复合型人才;三是推进行业信息化与工业化的深度融合,包括健全行业信息化与工业化融合评估体系、完善行业信息化规范标准体系、推广信息化与工业化融合典型经验、大力发展智能制造和服务型制造业、培育发展“互联网+”新业态新模式;四是提高企业信息化与工业化深度融合的能力,包括增强信息化与工业化融合推进意识、培养和引进高端信息化人才、加大软件和咨询服务投入比重、加强信息管理制度及体系优化。论文的主要贡献体现在:一是从内部-外部激励视角阐述了区域信息化与工业化融合的动力机制。本文将信息化与工业化融合的动力机制定义为“促进信息化与工业化融合的构成要素之间的相互联系、相互作用关系和功能”。其中,区域信息化与工业化融合的外部动力机制主要包括技术推动、需求拉动、政府扶持以及市场竞争,内部动力机制主要包括产业结构升级改造的内在压力和企业成长的内在驱动力。二是从就绪度、应用度和绩效度三个维度,构建了评价区域信息化与工业化融合水平的指标体系。同时为提高指标赋权的客观性,通过熵权法确定各个指标的权重改良综合指数法,进而利用与MATLAB软件标准化后的指标数据处理计算区域信息化与工业化融合的水平。同时,通过超效率DEA模型评价31个省市的信息化与工业化融合投入产出效率。三是扩展菲尔德两部门模型和EBA模型,引入工业化和信息化的重要指标如互联网普及率、工业增加值占GDP的比重、规模以上工业企业利润占资产比等,通过Eviews7.2软件回归分析上述指标对区域信息化和工业化的影响。四是提出分维度分层分阶段推进区域信息化与工业化融合的政策建议。
[Abstract]:Under the background of world economic integration and competition globalization, industrialization and informationization are merging in depth. Industrialization is the basis of informationization and informationization is the product of highly developed industrialization. In particular, with the acceleration of information technology to digital, networking and intelligent direction of evolution, cloud computing, large data, Internet of Things, mobile applications, intelligent control technology as the core of the new "IT" is reshaping the traditional information application model, promoting the deep integration of information technology and economic and social, forming a new After the financial crisis in 2008, developed countries have launched the strategy of "re-industrialization", promoting the industrial Internet, Cyber-Physical Production System, promoting the continuous transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, international industrial mobility and international industries. Developing countries have to speed up the process of industrialization and face the challenge of accelerating the development of informatization. The integration of informatization and industrialization has become an important breakthrough for developing countries to implement the strategy of catching up with and surpassing modernization. The eastern, central and western regions of China have different economic development conditions, different levels of economic development, different levels of industrialization development, and different policies; at the same time, there is a shift in industrialization between regions. Compared with the eastern developed regions, the industrialization of the central and western regions has made great achievements, but the integration of industrialization and information technology. Therefore, the integration of China's industrialization and informationization is not only a technical issue, or a wider economic issue, but also a regional comprehensive issue with rich connotations. Industrialization Integration Development Plan (2016-2020)>, China's informatization and industrialization integration has gone through the stages from concept put forward to pilot demonstration to accelerated development and leapfrog integration. Promoting the deep integration of regional informatization and industrialization is of great significance to promoting supply-side reform, stimulating effective consumer demand, upgrading industrial energy levels, optimizing industrial structure and improving people's livelihood. "Made in China 2025" was first put forward. Great changes have taken place in the content and field of implementing the strategy of integration of industrialization and informatization. From the theoretical research level, the existing theoretical research has launched on the relationship between informatization, industrialization, informatization and industrialization, as well as the mechanism, influencing factors and level evaluation of the integration of informatization and industrialization. But as a whole, the regional characteristics of the integration of informatization and industrialization, especially the evaluation of the integration level of informatization and industrialization, still have room for further improvement and expansion in the regional evaluation index system and evaluation method selection, and the latter is the strategic support of China's implementation of the integration plan of informatization and industrialization. In this regard, the paper studies the factors affecting the integration of regional informatization and industrialization and comprehensive evaluation. On the basis of combing the literature on the integration of informatization and industrialization, the paper first defines the basic connotation of the integration of regional informatization and industrialization, analyzes the hierarchical system and dynamic mechanism of the integration of the two; secondly, analyzes the impact of regional informatization. Thirdly, it constructs the evaluation index system of regional informatization and industrialization fusion level, constructs the evaluation index system of regional informatization and industrialization fusion efficiency, and carries on the empirical research separately; finally, it puts forward the path and politics of promoting the integration of regional informatization and industrialization in China. The main work of this paper is as follows: Firstly, the integration of regional informatization and industrialization is embodied in product, technology and management. From the perspective of cost-benefit, according to convergence theory and model, this paper discusses the dynamic mechanism of integration of regional informatization and industrialization, including the reduction of social transaction cost and the increase of income. From the perspective of internal-external incentives, this paper discusses the external incentive mechanism of the integration of informatization and industrialization, including technology promotion, demand pull, government support and market competition, the internal pressure of industrial upgrading and transformation and the internal driving force of enterprise growth. On the basis of the overall correlation of the data, this paper uses Eviews 7.2 to make an empirical regression analysis on the influencing factors of regional informatization and industrialization convergence. The results show that: Internet penetration rate, the proportion of industrial added value to GDP, and the ratio of profits of Industrial Enterprises above scale to assets are indicators of regional informatization and industry. The integration index has a positive effect, and the trade volume of technology market, the general budget income of local finance and the average wage of industries have a very obvious positive effect, while the consumption index of residents and the investment of industrial pollution control are negative; the consumption index of residents in the eastern region, the local fiscal revenue, the average wage of industries and industrial pollution are negative. The effect of consumption index, Internet penetration rate and local fiscal revenue in the central region is more obvious, while the positive effect of consumption index, local fiscal revenue and industry average wage in the western region is basically balanced. The evaluation index system of regional informatization and industrialization integration, which covers 22 three-level indicators, is analyzed by using entropy weight-comprehensive index method. The results show that in 2015, the top three provinces are Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu, and the backward three provinces are Yunnan, Tibet and Gansu. From 2012 to 2015, the integration of informatization and industrialization in China has gradually entered a period of rapid development, the effect of infrastructure construction is obvious, industrial e-commerce has become a bright spot of development, the initial formation of industrial Internet, and the effect of the deep integration of informatization and industrialization has begun to appear. Fourthly, the input-output efficiency of the integration of informatization and industrialization in 31 provinces and cities is evaluated by the super-efficiency DEA model. The results show that the input-output efficiency of the integration of informatization and industrialization in 31 provinces is efficient, and the average input-output of each province is between 2012 and 2015. Efficiency values are 1.1062, 1.1022, 1.1066, 1.0945, showing a downward trend on the whole, but there are fluctuations and little fluctuations during the period. On this basis, through adjusting the input and output amplitude of the provinces and municipalities, the production frontier can be realized: nationwide, the input and output variables of 31 provinces need to be adjusted in varying degrees in order to reach the production frontier, and these variables are mainly concentrated in the input variables, in which the input changes. The biggest change is the mobile phone penetration rate, the proportion of college graduates to the total number of employment, the construction of information platform for small and medium-sized enterprises and the Internet penetration rate, and the proportion of R&D personnel in the employment of industrial enterprises change the smallest. Fifth, based on the analysis of influencing factors, level and efficiency evaluation, the paper proposes to promote regional information. The realization path of deep integration of industrialization and industrialization mainly includes the following four points: firstly, in view of the fact that the level and efficiency of integration of regional informatization and industrialization differ greatly in space, the choice of national promotion path should focus on reducing the "information gap" between regions and promoting the balance of regional informatization and industrialization integration; secondly, optimizing the region. The policy environment for the deep integration of informationization and industrialization includes promoting the integration of informationization and industrialization orderly, establishing a long-term mechanism and basic service platform for promoting the integration of informationization and industrialization, increasing the support for small and medium-sized scientific and technological enterprises, and formulating a differential policy for promoting the integration of informationization and industrialization. The third is to promote the deep integration of industry informatization and industrialization, including perfecting the evaluation system of industry informatization and industrialization integration, perfecting the standard system of industry informatization, popularizing the typical experience of integration of informatization and industrialization, and vigorously developing intelligent manufacturing and service-oriented manufacturing. Industry, cultivate and develop the new mode of "Internet +" new format; four, improve the ability of enterprise informatization and industrialization to integrate deeply, including enhancing the integration of informatization and industrialization, promoting awareness, cultivating and introducing high-end information talents, increasing the proportion of software and consulting services, and strengthening the information management system and system optimization. This paper defines the dynamic mechanism of the integration of informatization and industrialization as "the interrelation, interaction and function between the constituent elements of the integration of informatization and industrialization". The external dynamic mechanism of industrialization integration mainly includes technology promotion, demand pulling, government support and market competition. The internal dynamic mechanism mainly includes the internal pressure of industrial structure upgrading and transformation and the internal driving force of enterprise growth. At the same time, in order to improve the objectivity of index weight assignment, the entropy weight method was used to determine the weight of each index, and then the index data processing standardized with MATLAB software was used to calculate the fusion level of regional informatization and industrialization. Thirdly, the input-output efficiency of the integration of informatization and industrialization is expanded. Fielder's two-sector model and EBA model are extended. Important indicators of industrialization and informatization are introduced, such as Internet penetration rate, the proportion of industrial added value to GDP, and the ratio of profits of Industrial Enterprises above scale to assets. Fourth, put forward policy suggestions to promote the integration of regional informatization and industrialization.


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