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发布时间:2018-09-11 18:25
[Abstract]:In the era of precision poverty alleviation, diversified poverty management and diversified poverty alleviation measures are becoming more and more effective. However, the "short-term nature" of the government performance evaluation goal is in contradiction with the "long-term nature" of the ability to help the poor, in which data falsification and "forced stripping" emerge one after another, and the phenomenon of returning to poverty is prominent. The root of the poverty alleviation lies in the systematization of the ability to help the poor to achieve the goal, the means, the object and the standard, the ladder from "explicit ability poverty alleviation" to "recessive ability poverty alleviation" has not been completed, and it is easy to fall into the "black hole of poverty" and cause intergenerational poverty. Therefore, in order to get rid of poverty completely, we must shape the ability of the poor people, need to stimulate their internal drive through all-round and systematic empowerment, and internalize the ability enhancement into their self-cognition. The theoretical introduction and practical experience summary of capacity poverty alleviation from the perspective of developmental social policy will contribute to the improvement of precision poverty alleviation effectiveness and the guarantee of reform results, and will make precision poverty alleviation more meaningful for the coordinated development of economy and society.
【作者单位】: 西华大学社会发展学院;


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