[Abstract]:Since the 21st century, due to the impact of economic globalization, the competition between countries is becoming more and more fierce. In the process of facing the economic globalization, Chinese enterprises should not only try their best to seize the opportunity, but also accept the huge challenge. The market-oriented behavior of Chinese investment enterprises makes the competition of the same industry more intense. At this time, the strategic management of the enterprise has become particularly important. The successful formulation and implementation of an enterprise strategy can not only improve the competitiveness of the enterprise, but also make the enterprise more cohesive, in order to promote the long-term and stable development of the enterprise. However, the traditional performance appraisal can not meet the needs of modern enterprises' internal management. Therefore, it is urgent to have a set of long-term incentive and restraint mechanism to strengthen internal management and improve enterprise performance in order to carry out management reform. To avoid being eliminated in the future competitive trend. This article takes the department manager of Tian Dong Company of Guangxi BS Investment Group as the research object, takes the strategic development plan, the operation condition and the present situation of human resources of the company as the research foundation, in order to better solve the training and working condition of the manager. It is necessary to build an effective performance appraisal system for managers to build a platform to achieve personal career and create a sustainable development space for enterprises. In this paper, through the actual investigation of the company, collect the relevant data, and analyze the shortcomings of the existing performance appraisal system. After comprehensive analysis, according to the working nature, characteristics and current situation of department managers, and based on the theory of performance appraisal, the paper puts forward the performance appraisal method of "360-degree KPI". In order to optimize and improve Guangxi BS investment group Tian Dong performance appraisal system. In the process of analysis and research, the 360-degree performance appraisal method and the KPI performance appraisal method are adopted to determine the evaluation indexes and weights, and the corresponding assessment standards are formulated. Finally, the implementation scheme matching with the department manager is put forward. The specific implementation process of the scheme includes: to determine the objectives of performance appraisal, to determine the use of performance appraisal principles, performance appraisal implementation process, to communicate and feedback performance results, Construct the appeal mechanism and the concrete application to the performance appraisal result. It is hoped that the design of the performance appraisal system and the explanation of the evaluation method can be helpful to the department managers of the company and provide a realistic basis for the smooth realization of the company's strategic objectives.
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