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发布时间:2018-10-23 09:40
[Abstract]:The general department is an innovative scheme design pattern used in the design process of major aerospace engineering in our country. The idea of overall design and optimization control mode of the main subsystems of the engineering are completely different from the traditional decentralized independent design mode. The system design model of the overall part and the decentralized independent scheme design pattern is constructed under the framework of the complex relativity of the subsystem. Different from the Nash equilibrium in the decentralized independent scheme design mode, the equilibrium solution of the global partial model is the Stackelberg-Nash equilibrium. The simulation method based on Agent is also used to compare the equilibrium state and performance of the overall part and the decentralized independent scheme design pattern. The simulation results show that the overall design pattern can not only avoid the system design scheme from falling into the local optimal solution of some subsystems, but also improve the overall design performance of the system. Moreover, in the overall department scheme design mode, the use of sequential design strategy is helpful to improve the equilibrium stability and performance of the system scheme, that is, to optimize the design scheme of the important subsystem by the overall department. Then decentralized search for the remaining sub-system design. This study proves the effectiveness of the overall scheme design pattern in the design of major aerospace engineering systems, and is helpful to the development and application of the "integrated integration" method.
【作者单位】: 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院;


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