[Abstract]:Background improving long-term care quality of patients is the core of NHS policy. The quality and results Framework (QOF) is a primary care performance reward scheme for patients requiring long term care. The scheme is not considered to improve the quality of long-term care. Objective to verify whether QOF can improve the quality of long-term care. Design and site Evaluation of QOF effectiveness Research system in UK. Methods the effects of QOF on long-term care quality, including nursing coordination and integration, whole-person and personal nursing, self-care, patient experience, physiological and biochemical results, were investigated by peer-reviewed empirical quantitative study by searching electronic database. Health service utilization and mortality. Since the study is heterogeneous, narrative synthesis is carried out. Results three systematic evaluations and five preliminary studies according to the inclusion criteria were confirmed. The increase of QOF was related to the increase of emergency hospitalization, the increase of (SMI) counseling and the improvement of diabetes care. The nature of the evidence does not determine whether these associations are causal. No significant effect of QOF on mortality was found. QOF had no effect on nursing coordination and integration, holistic nursing, self-care and patient experience. Conclusion NHS should consider more widely the influencing factors of high-quality long-term care and other incentives.
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