[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the society, the competition of the industry is becoming more and more fierce, the knowledge economy is increasing explosively, the status of the main body of the staff is becoming more and more prominent, and the knowledge worker is gradually becoming the primary part of the core competence of the enterprise. How to retain these talents, make them make organizational commitment, improve the performance of individual employees, and make them do their best to achieve the overall goal of the enterprise, so as to improve the overall performance of enterprises is not only a problem faced by the academic community. It is also an urgent problem to be solved by enterprises. Based on the theory of social exchange, this paper studies the action direction, degree and mechanism of active personality on employee's job performance in communication enterprises, introduces organizational commitment as an intermediary variable, and expands the scope of positive psychological factors. Deepening and perfecting the mechanism of active personality on job performance, on the one hand supplementing the theoretical research of active personality and job performance mechanism, on the other hand, making suggestions for improving work performance by theoretical research. Guiding the practical activities of the organization is of great significance in both theory and practice. First of all, literature review is carried out. On the basis of summarizing the relevant concepts and theories, the corresponding hypothesis is made and the corresponding model is constructed. After eliminating some invalid questionnaires, the sample data were analyzed by using SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0 statistical analysis software, respectively, and the reliability and validity of the sample data were analyzed. Variance analysis, path analysis and intermediary analysis verify the corresponding theoretical assumptions and models proposed in this study. The results show that: (1) active personality significantly positively affects employee's work performance and its four dimensions in communication enterprises; (2) organizational commitment plays a part of intermediary role between active personality and employee's work performance.
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