[Abstract]:In the face of the opportunities for rapid economic and tourism development in Hainan Province and the challenges posed by the poor local economic base and the low level of education and medical care, As an important carrier to serve the economic development of minority areas in Baisha County, Hainan Baisha Rural Commercial Bank is facing increasingly fierce competition. A series of problems, such as deposit issuance, loan recovery, interpersonal relationship management and personal development prospects, will put a lot of pressure on bankers. If the working pressure of the practitioners is not paid attention to in time for a long time and the scientific guidance, in the short term, it will affect the operating efficiency of the enterprise, and in the long run, it will affect the implementation of the development strategy of the enterprise. Through the analysis of the correlation between the job stress and the performance of Baisha Rural Commercial Bank, this study will explore the work stressors that have a significant impact on the performance of the practitioners, so as to be targeted. It can effectively improve the human resource management of Hainan Baisha Rural Commercial Bank and improve the job performance of practitioners. After issuing questionnaires to the practitioners of Baisha Rural Commercial Bank, the author analyzed and studied the data of the valid questionnaires by SPSS17.0. First, the basic information, job pressure, work performance of the three parts of questionnaire data were analyzed descriptive, then the reliability and validity of the questionnaire data were analyzed and tested, and then the independent sample T test and single factor variance analysis were carried out. Finally, the relationship between job stress and job performance is analyzed and regressed. Through the research and analysis, the following results can be obtained: by testing the validity of work stress, it can be concluded that the practitioners of Hainan Baisha Rural Commercial Bank face role stress, job responsibility, lack of recognition, interpersonal relationship, family factors, personal ability, etc. There are 7 dimensions of work stress in the prospective expectation; There are some significant differences in job stress and job performance among employees of Hainan Baisha Rural Commercial Bank with different personal attributes (gender, age, academic background, position, marriage and child status, length of service, etc.); There is a correlation between job stress and job performance in Hainan Baisha Rural Commercial Bank, and the dimensions of job stress, lack of recognition, prospective expectation and so on have a predictive effect on job performance.
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