[Abstract]:Since China joined WTO in 2001, China has entered the golden decade of automobile industry, and the automobile industry has developed rapidly. But in China's automobile market in 2012, production and sales continued to maintain the slight growth momentum of 2011, but due to the occurrence and subsequent impact of the dispute between China and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands, it led to Japanese cars in China. The independent brand and the European and American automobile market structure has taken place the huge change, the Japanese automobile sales volume appears to drop rapidly. Zhengzhou Nissan, as a Sino-Japanese joint venture, in order to better adapt itself to the changes in the current Chinese automobile market environment and occupy a certain share of the automobile market, Zhengzhou Nissan must rely on the optimization of the network environment. Taking the reasonable marketing network as the frame, continuously optimize the business area of the network, improve the service level of the store, perfect the personnel configuration of the enterprise and the organization structure of the enterprise, realize to reduce the marketing cost, improve the service level, Meet the purpose of consumer demand, fundamentally improve the competitiveness of the enterprise itself. After systematically describing the domestic and foreign research situation and the related theories of automobile marketing network, this paper first introduces the analysis of market environment based on marketing network, then introduces Zhengzhou Nissan Company and the current situation of marketing network. The basic situation of Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile Co., Ltd., the current situation of domestic marketing network of Zhengzhou Nissan, the marketing mode of Zhengzhou Nissan, and the comparison of a series of related statistical data of automobile industry are described respectively. Based on the analysis of the problems of Zhengzhou Nissan marketing network, this paper puts forward the improvement strategies and measures of Zhengzhou Nissan marketing network, including the strategy of building the marketing network of post-automobile market, and the regulation of Zhengzhou Nissan channel management. The design of marketing network layout of Zhengzhou Nissan and the construction of marketing power of Zhengzhou Nissan marketing network based on customer relationship management. By combining the theory and practice of marketing network, this paper analyzes the characteristics and advantages of Zhengzhou Nissan marketing network construction, and puts forward some improvement strategies. The research methods used in this paper are mainly the combination of theoretical research and empirical research, on the basis of the theoretical knowledge of marketing and management, combined with the actual situation of Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile Co., Ltd. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the development of Zhengzhou Nissan by using scientific methods, and puts forward the solution to the construction of Zhengzhou Nissan marketing network.
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