[Abstract]:Compared with traditional banks, data assets are becoming more and more important factors of production in modern banks. How to manage the data well, apply the data well, excavate the data value and so on a series of data management work, also become one of the most important basic work of a modern bank to speed up the business innovation and improve the level of fine management and scientific decision. In recent years, regulators have been increasing the supervision of banking data management. As early as in the 11th Five-Year Plan of Information Construction of China's Banking Industry, it was clearly pointed out that "to accelerate the concentration of bank information resources, to realize the sharing of data views across the whole bank, and to make full use of data warehouse and data mining technologies," Implement thematic applications such as asset liability management, financial performance management, risk management and customer relationship management, and establish banks that are subject oriented, market-oriented, decision oriented, and responsive to internal and external policy requirements
【作者单位】: 国家开发银行信息科技局;
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