[Abstract]:Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plays an important role in improving the relationship between the customer and the enterprise. The efficient and accurate classification of large customer information is the foundation and important technology for effective customer management. The key point of improving the competitiveness of the telecom enterprise is how to make the data that appear to have no value in the database through the integration of the system, to extract useful data information, and to analyze the research to develop the differentiated and personalized service. Data mining, through data analysis, has found its inside gauge from a large number of raw data law. The process of work is data preparation: data is selected from the relevant database, and the data can be integrated into a collection of data that can be used for data mining; the second is the rule of discovery: the set of data obtained when using the data, and the use of a certain party The method of finding and summarizing the rules between the sets of data. This paper is mainly focused on an important field in data mining technology: the cluster analysis is used to study and analyze and put it into the decision-making of the real enterprise The essence of the clustering mining is to group the objects of the non-entities into a process of the class of objects formed by many similar objects, the main task of which is to classify and gather the similar data collected. In this paper, the author has made a deep and detailed study on the data mining technology, the customer relationship management system and the customer classification model of the telecom industry. The following research is carried out for the customer classification in the customer relationship management system based on the cluster mining. Research work:1. Establish a customer who is in favor of data analysis The establishment of the customer classification model will greatly improve the classification of the telecommunication enterprises to the users, and set the users with a certain consumption habit or the consumption tendency. The customer classification model can set a large number of users with similar features together to form a specific customer category, which can be quantified by the enterprise to analyze a certain user class and formulate a suitable telecommunication system. product and service.2. Start with the original K-means calculation from two aspects In this paper, the initial cluster center is optimized: the better partitioning effect is through the original clustering center It makes the objects in different clusters not similar, but in one cluster The object is similar. At the same time, the paper applies the law of mathematical geometry: the "The length of the two sides of the triangle must be greater than the third edge" to reduce the k-means algorithm the total time complexity can be achieved as much as possible to reduce the number of iterations, increase, The purpose of the mining performance is to compare and find that the optimized algorithm is more than the traditional K-means algorithm. with better performance.3. Determine what is used in the customer classification model Categorical variables and description variables. The difference between a variety of factors is, in itself, a variety. For consumers, there is no single policy at all to correspond to the needs of all customers, and a single product choice is not An excellent strategic choice, and the customer classification is to improve the management level of a large and diversified organization in essence The actual possibility is provided. The customer classification takes the customer's consumption behavior and the customer value as the study variable. The customer's demographic characteristics, reference customer's psychological consumption factors are used as the reference basis, and a set of data based on the data is established. and 4. using the Clementine 7.0 developed by the SPSS, as a development tool, to carry out the test on the customer classification model obtained by the above research through the telecommunication customer data; At the same time, the paper selects the short message high-frequency use group in the cluster mining result group as the analysis object, and analyzes the consumption habit and the consumption tendency. The results show that the work of this paper will improve the customer management in the telecom industry, improve the user's satisfaction, and improve the market competition of the telecom operators.
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