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发布时间:2018-02-24 02:12

  本文关键词: 科技产业转移 公众社会行为 影响 出处:《山西大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国社会主义建设步伐的加快,各地把科技产业转移作为推动区域经济社会发展的重要手段。科技产业转移在给区域带来高经济利益的同时,也暴露出一些特有的问题,诸如科技产业转移中风险把控,公众参与科技产业转移的模式等问题都引起了人们的广泛关注。 事实上,学术界对产业转移的研究由来已久,其研究成果主要集中在经济学领域。经济学认为产业转移是一项理性的经济活动,按照市场需求原则进行产业转移。但是在科技产业转移过程中引发的一些社会事件表明:科技产业转移不仅仅表现为一种经济活动,而更多表现为“产业承接方、产业转移方、公众”三方利益博弈的复杂社会活动。由于科技产业链条较长,转移时间跨度大等特点使其更容易受到多元社会因素的影响,尤其是公众社会行为的影响。 公众社会行为是多元社会因素的综合体现,与科技产业转移有着密切的关系。在科技产业转移中,任何对公众利益的忽视都不利于社会的良性运行,甚至会成为引发连锁性社会越轨事件的诱因。 本文拟从社会学视角对影响科技产业转移的公众社会行为进行分析,主要研究公众社会行为对科技产业转移的影响模式以及作用机制,全文分为四部分。 第一章简要介绍本课题的选题主旨和意义,并对国内外学者目前关于科技产业转移研究成果进行综述,提出从社会学视角研究科技和产业转移中公众社会行为的必要性。 第二章从公众意识形成、组织化程度和公众社会行为对科技产业转移影响程度三个维度剖析公众社会行为的形成以及原因。文章首先列举目前国内外公众社会行为对科技产业转移产生影响的热点案例,论述公众社会行为为什么是影响科技产业转移的一种重要因素。其次结合案例分析科技产业转移中公众社会行为的特点以及形成过程。 第三章着重论述科技产业转移中公众社会行为的影响模式。文章通过公众社会行为对科技产业转移的影响类型以及影响效果三个层面进行分析。应用社会学理论分析科技产业转移中的热点事件,笔者认为科技产业中公众社会行为模式主要分为三类。即非组织化公众行为模式、半组织化公众社会行为和组织化行为模式。在现实情况中,公众参与科技产业转移的行为模式界定相对模糊,很多情况下是多种公众行为模式的并存。 笔者认为由于科技产业转移承接方、转移方、公众三方在科技产业转移中所获取的利益与风险承担上存在很大差距。公众社会行为对科技产业转移的影响类型主要表现为促进、默认和抵制。根据公众社会行为对科技产业转移影响的表现,将公众社会行为对其的影响类型划分为正影响、负影响、显影响和隐影响。其中公众对科技产业转移的隐影响必须予以足够高的关注,防止科技产业转移过程中某些事件触发一系列极端事件的连锁发生,从而影响到整个社会的正常运行。 文章最后对如何关注科技产业转移中公众社会行为提出一些建议与意见。
[Abstract]:With the accelerated pace of China Construction, around the transfer of the technology industry as an important means of promoting regional economic and social development. The shift in the technology industry to bring high economic benefits to the region at the same time, also exposed some problems, such as the technology industry to control the transfer of risk, public participation in the transfer mode technology industry and other issues are has aroused extensive attention.
In fact, academic research on industrial transfer long-standing, its research results mainly in the field of economics. Economics thinks that the industrial transfer is a rational economic activity, the industrial transfer in accordance with the principles of market demand. But some social events triggered by the transfer process in the technology industry shows that the transfer of technology industry is not just an economic activities, and more performance for the "industrial undertaking, industrial transfer, complex social activities" for the public interests of the three party game. Because of long chain technology industry, other characteristics of the transfer time span to make it more vulnerable to the impact of multiple social factors, particularly the impact of public social behavior.
Public social behavior is a comprehensive reflection of multiple social factors and closely related to the transfer of science and technology industry. In the transfer of technology industry, any neglect of public interest is not conducive to the benign operation of the society, and even will become an incentive for chain social deviant events.
From the perspective of sociology, this paper analyzes the public social behavior affecting the transfer of science and technology industry, mainly studies the influence mode and function mechanism of public social behavior on technology industry transfer. The full text is divided into four parts.
The first chapter briefly introduces the keynote and significance of this topic, and summarizes the current domestic and foreign scholars' research achievements on the transfer of science and technology industry, and puts forward the necessity of studying the public social behavior from the perspective of sociology.
The second chapter from the formation of public awareness, the formation of the degree of organization and public social behavior of the transfer of technology industry influence three aspects of public social behavior and reason. The author enumerates the public social behavior at home and abroad on the transfer of technology industry hot case impact, why the social behavior of the public discourse is an important factor in science and technology industry transfer. Then combined with the analysis of characteristics of the transfer of technology industry public social behavior and the formation process of the case.
The third chapter focuses on the influence of mode transfer of technology industry public social behavior. Analysis of three aspects of the social behavior of the public on the transfer of technology industry impact types and effects. The application of sociological theory in the hot transfer technology industry event, the author thinks that the main points of public social behavior in the technology industry into three patterns. That the public behavior of non organized, semi organized social behavior and organization of public behavior. In reality, the public participation in the transfer of technology industry is relatively vague definition of behavior, many cases is the coexistence of a variety of public behavior.
The author believes that the transfer of the technology industry to undertake and transfer, there is a big gap between the benefits and risks of the public three parties in the transfer of technology industry acquired bear. Effect of type of public social behavior of the transfer of technology industry mainly to promote, default and boycott. According to the influence of public social behavior on the transfer of technology industry. The public social behavior and the effects of the type of positive effect, negative effect, significant impact and influence. The hidden hidden influence of the transfer of technology industry public interest must be high enough to prevent the transfer of technology industry during certain events triggered a series of chain of extreme events occur, thus affecting the normal operation of the whole society.
Finally, the article puts forward some suggestions and suggestions on how to pay attention to the public social behavior in the transfer of science and technology industry.



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