[Abstract]:The rigid constraint of resources, the gradual imbalance of ecology and the deterioration of environment have broken the boundaries of regions and countries and become global problems. As a major economic and political power, China's rapid economic growth can no longer be at the cost of ecology, resources and environment. As the main research result of the National soft Science Project (2009GXS1D019), this paper studies the evolution mechanism and cooperative development of the coupled system of regional eco-environmental, economic and social (Ecology-Environment-Economy-Society,), economic and social (EEES). Based on multi-disciplinary theory and technology, this paper comprehensively applies many kinds of research methods and runs through systematic and stratified thinking. The main work, innovative exploration and conclusions are as follows: first, the elements, characteristics, functions, coupling relations, coupling principles, coupling effects and coupling modes of regional EEES system are expounded. The regional EEES coupling system is composed of population, environment, science and technology, information, system and so on. Population is the main body of coupling, environment is the basis of coupling, science and technology and information are the important intermediary and bridge of coupling, and institution is the catalyst of coupling. The system has the characteristics of overall symbiosis, open dynamic, complex uncertainty, self-organization and other organization. The function of the system is to ensure the efficient operation of the "five flows" of material flow, energy flow, information flow, population flow and value flow, and to realize the coordination of ecological, economic and social "three benefits"; The aim is to produce positive cooperative effect under the guidance of coupling principle and cooperative mode, integration mode, benefit mode and so on. Secondly, the Logistic equation, the coupling entropy model and the cooperative development order parameter model are established, and the evolution mechanism of the regional EEES coupling system is analyzed from three dimensions. The coupled system evolution model is divided into retrogressive type, cyclic type, stagnation type and combined Logistic growth type by using Logistic curve equation. By introducing the concept of coupling entropy, the calculation equation of coupling entropy is established. The coupling entropy is divided into coupling entropy of scale, coupling entropy of velocity, entropy of coupling structure, and the corresponding calculation formula is given. The cooperative development model of four subsystems with multiple order parameters is established. Thirdly, based on the DEA model and fuzzy mathematics theory, the cooperative development state of EEES coupling system in Inner Mongolia is evaluated from the vertical and horizontal levels. The longitudinal results show that the system is effective in the period of 90-92, 95-96-01-04-04-07-08 in Inner Mongolia, the synergistic effect in 930.98, the development is not effective in 2006, the synergy is not effective in 94-97-00, and the development is not effective in 2005. The horizontal results show that the cooperative development of Inner Mongolia EEES coupling system is the fourth category in 31 regions of the country. The comprehensive validity of cooperative development is only 0.5146, which is in the primary synergistic state, with high redundancy rate of resource input and environmental input. In the future, we should actively adopt the cooperative development model. Fourth, from the strategic level, path selection and implementation measures, this paper expounds the cooperative development countermeasures of Inner Mongolia EEES coupling system. At the strategic level, the ecological and economic functional areas supported by science and technology should be constructed, and the principles of coupling zoning should be introduced to govern; The choice of path should be based on the ecological transformation of industry, coupling ecotourism with industrial tourism, and constructing "Big Golden Triangle" and "small Golden Triangle" industrial tourism area. At the implementation level, the mechanism of "three gardens interaction" is put forward in the process of ecological migration, such as start-up park, settlement garden and training garden, so as to avoid the acquisition dilemma in backward areas.
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