[Abstract]:In the past two decades, the theoretical issues related to brand extension have been highly valued by academic circles both at home and abroad. Aaker and Keller did a pioneering study on the evaluation of brand extension by consumers in 1990, and constructed a brand extension evaluation model. Through regression analysis, the relationship between consumer attitude towards extended product and quality of original product, correlation between extended product and original product (i.e. transfer, complementarity and substitution) and manufacturing difficulty of extended product is revealed. After that, many scholars in many countries have also done similar research with the same model. The influential ones are Sunde and Brodie, in New Zealand, Bottomley and Doyle, in Britain, and Professor Fu Guoqun in our country. But these studies, like Aaker and Keller, focus on the brand extension of tangible products. At present, with the rapid development of economy, the development of service industry is becoming faster and faster, and many brands are increasingly extending into the field of service. Because the product characteristic of service product is very different from that of tangible product, the brand extension theory applicable to tangible product is not necessarily applicable to brand extension of service product. It is necessary to study the brand extension of service products, but the academic research on service brand extension is very few. On the basis of the existing theoretical achievements in the field of brand extension, this paper studies the consumer evaluation of service brand extension based on the characteristics of service products. This study is based on the basic model of brand extension evaluation of Aaker and Keller, combined with the characteristics of service products, from the corporate image, The relationship between service product and original product and brand association are analyzed to analyze the consumer evaluation of service brand extension, and a service brand extension evaluation model is constructed. In order to explore the impact of service brand extension evaluation factors and mechanisms. In addition, there are many non-service domain brands begin to extend to the service field, the service brand extension of the non-service brand and the service brand extension of the service brand, the consumer evaluation may be different. Therefore, two service domain brands and two non-service domain brands were selected in the experimental design, and the two situations were compared and analyzed respectively. Through the methods of experimental design, questionnaire and data analysis, the main conclusions are as follows: first, the factors that affect the consumers' evaluation of service brand extension are mainly consumer perception of the original corporate image. The relationship between the extended service product and the original product, and the consistency between the Lenovo stimulated by the extended service product and the original brand association. Second, there are differences in the evaluation mechanism of service brand extension between service brand and non service brand. Third, for the service brand extension, consumers almost the same degree of emphasis on the corporate image, extending the relationship between service products and original products, the consistency of brand association these factors. Among the two factors involved in the relationship between extended service products and original products, the influence of transfer factors is greater than that of complementary factors. Fourthly, for the service brand extension of non-service brand, the influence of various factors on consumer extension evaluation is very different. The consistency of brand association is the most important influencing factor, the second is the complementarity between the extended service product and the original product, and the second is the consumer's perception of the original enterprise image. It is expected that this study can contribute to the theoretical development of service brand extension and the practical strategy of service brand extension.
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