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发布时间:2018-09-07 09:01
[Abstract]:With the development of society and the improvement of people's income, the traditional food consumption mode can not attract consumers. In order to meet the demands of consumers on material and spiritual consumption and to occupy market share quickly, the investors and operators of catering industry are constantly seeking new self-orientation, which has rapidly formed personalized and diversified characteristic catering. Up to now, characteristic catering has become the main force in the catering market. In the face of the fierce competition, it is very important for the specialty food brands to distinguish other competitors. Through the analysis of the questionnaire data, it is found that the consumer's consumption power depends on whether the brand can meet the most fundamental needs of consumers. This paper discusses how to establish an effective brand image, show its own brand charm and brand personality, improve its brand recognition and brand added value, and maintain sustainable development in the changing and developing social environment. Brand image from scratch, from ordinary to excellent, every step of growth needs good management. This paper is based on the development of characteristic food brand under the experience economy, combined with domestic and foreign works, papers, periodicals, network materials and practical investigation, to further clarify the concept and characteristics of characteristic food and beverage. Combing the characteristic food brand development process and existing problems. On the basis of following the objective investigation, through the summary and induction of the domestic and foreign outstanding characteristic catering brand image cases, aiming at the brand positioning, visual recognition system and application recognition system of the characteristic catering brand image, the paper makes a deep exploration into the brand positioning, visual recognition system and application identification system. In the process of brand image shaping, they complement each other, and finally form the brand image with representative cognition. Through reading the literature at home and abroad, experiencing the food and beverage brands on the spot, and summarizing the data of questionnaire survey on the brand requirements of different age groups, this paper puts forward some thoughts on the future development of the brand image of the characteristic food and beverage under the experience economy. Namely: create brand culture differentiation, seek the media diversification, brand renewal development inevitability.


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