[Abstract]:From the 1980s to the present, the global business community has experienced a stage of brand capital operation from product management to brand creation and capitalization of brand equity value, thus entering a brand new era of competition. Brand becomes the "nucleus" of capital value and market competition economy. At the same time, the international capital flow is accompanied by the brand capital export with high added value, which replaces the traditional product export. Especially with the rapid development of global economic integration and information network economy era, brand export has become an omnipresent fierce competition. China in the 21st century has also been brought into the brand competition which has no national boundaries and ends. How do Chinese enterprise brands cope with international brand competition and how Chinese enterprises survive and develop in international market competition? Whether China's domestic market will become a "processing factory" for a new round of brand capital export is not only related to the survival and development of Chinese enterprises, whether the Chinese brands can become bigger and stronger, whether the Chinese brand enterprises can become international and grow stronger in the world. Is also related to China's overall international competitive strength of the problem. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the brand marketing of enterprises. Based on the analysis of Suzhou Coswood Ink Co., Ltd., the author thinks that brand marketing strategy is a very necessary and complex project. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the brand marketing strategy and enhance the brand value of Suzhou Coswood Ink Co., Ltd., it is absolutely necessary to implement a series of brand positioning, brand development and construction, brand technology management, etc. In accordance with the concrete situation of Suzhou Coswood Ink Co., Ltd, a large number of rational suggestions and countermeasures with important reference value are put forward. Through the research of this subject, we hope to accumulate experience and provide reference for similar enterprises to implement brand strategy.
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