本文关键词: 德诚公司 发展战略 公司战略 变压器 竞争 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:德诚公司是一家创建于1995年,专业从事变压器类产品生产制造的中小型企业。作者作为德诚公司的总经理,希望能利用在西南财经大学EMBA学习所获得的理论知识和研究分析能力,以德诚公司为研究对象,深入研究分析,得出科学的研究结论,制定出正确的企业发展战略。有一个清晰的、正确的公司发展战略,对德诚公司未来的生存和发展将具有非常重要的现实意义。 本文的基本思路是:通过对德诚公司外部宏观环境的分析,以及对国内变压器行业的发展状况和竞争状况的分析,找出公司面临的外部机会和外部威胁,再结合德诚公司的内部情况及公司具有的优势和劣势的分析,参考同行领先企业的发展战略,明确德诚公司的愿景和使命,提出公司战略目标,制定与企业内外环境相匹配的公司总体发展战略和竞争战略,并阐述战略实施的主要举措和方法。 本文的正文共分六部分。其主要内容和要点为: 第一部分说明公司发展战略研究的必要性和研究中使用的研究方法和理论依据,简要说明了研究背景和研究目的。 达尔文的进化论说:“能够生存下来的并不是那些最强壮的,也不是那些最聪明的,而是那些能对变化作出快速反应的。”这就是竞争中优胜劣汰的自然规律,企业也一样要遵从这个自然规律。研究公司发展战略的意义正在于此,它可以解决公司长期决策和发展方向的重大问题,使公司能获得和保持竞争优势,做到能够敏捷地识别和能有效的适应各种变化,让公司在激烈的竞争中能生存下来,并获得发展机会。 在研究中使用的理论依据和主要方法有:战略管理过程模型、迈克尔·波特的五种力量模型竞争分析方法、外部因素评价(EFE)矩阵、内部因素评价(IFE)矩阵、优势-弱点-机会-威胁(SWOT)矩阵。 第二部分主要对德诚公司面临的外部环境进行分析。 1、对德诚公司面临的外部宏观形势,从政治和政策、经济、社会和人文、技术四个方面进行分析,发现了以下变化: 在政治和政策方面:①国家新一届政府提出了“两个一百年”和“中国梦”的国家战略目标;②新政府大力推动体制改革,为中国经济转型升级提供制度红利;③新政府进行结构性减税,推行“营改增”,支持企业发展;④新政府大力支持实体经济和中小企业发展;⑤国家产业政策支持西部大开发、大力发展城镇化建设和铁路建设⑥地方政府出台推动民营经济发展的政策,鼓励民营企业发展。 在经济方面:经济增长放缓,政府保持稳定的宏观经济政策;经济转型升级,调整优化结构;市场需求萎缩,工业品价格持续回落。 在社会和人文方面:“人才”难求,人力资源成本大幅上升;人口红利逐渐消失,人口老龄化开始。 在技术方面:互联网的应用给企业带来新的经营方式;节能环保产品的推广产生新的商机。 2、对国内变压器行业发展状况进行分析。 分类介绍了变压器产品、变压器市场和变压器生产企业,重点介绍了干式变压器、铝导线变压器、非晶合金变压器和箱式变压器等几种产品。 变压器行业规模:2012年国内变压器行业实现工业总产值3222.60亿元,同比增长7.30%;实现销售收入3170.74亿元,同比增长9.28%;同时,行业销售利润率维持在10%以上。说明变压器制造行业产能和销量持续增长,行业盈利能力较强。 变压器行业具有很好的市场发展前景:国家节能减排的政策给变压器行业的发展带来希望;水电项目的开发加速为变压器行业带来市场需求;新能源发电为变压器带来新的契机;国家电网建设投资将带动变压器行业的发展;铁路建设增加了对变压器的需求;城镇化建设带动了对变压器产品的需求。 3、使用迈克尔·波特的五种力量模型竞争分析方法对国内变压器行业市场的竞争格局进行分析后发现: ①根据企业规模将国内变压器行业现有企业划分成三个阵营,其竞争格局为:第一阵营竞争较弱,第二阵营竞争较强,第三阵营竞争非常强。 ②变压器行业的潜在新进入者较多,但小规模者居多,大规模的较少,因此带来的竞争威胁不大。 ③变压器目前还没有替代产品。 ④变压器产品的原材料多数是大宗商品,价格受国际大宗商品市场的影响较大,因此供应商议价能力一般。 ⑤变压器产品的客户集中度非常高,主要为电力部门,客户议价能力很强。 4、借鉴国内变压器行业三家领先企业的发展战略,分析后发现:只要身处市场竞争比较激烈环境的企业,都采取了针对市场开拓的市场渗透战略和市场开发战略。为了提高企业核心竞争力,产品开发战略是几乎每个企业都会采取的战略。 5、根据前面对德诚公司面临的外部环境的分析,总结出公司的外部机会和外部威胁,使用外部因素评价(EFE)矩阵进行分析,得出的结论是:德诚公司还不能充分利用外部机会和回避外部威胁。 第三部分通过对德诚公司的内部情况的分析,总结出德诚公司的优势和劣势,利用内部因素评价(IFE)矩阵进行分析,得出的结论是:德诚公司的内部状况较为强势。 第四部分这是本文的重点部分。根据前面分析总结出的德诚公司面临的外部机会和外部威胁以及德诚公司的优势和劣势,用(SWOT)矩阵进行战略匹配,再对匹配出的战略进行分析,制定出德诚公司的发展战略。 德诚公司的愿景是:我们要努力成为四川省变压器行业的领先企业,并为国家、客户、股东和员工提供良好的回报。 德诚公司的使命是:秉承以德为本,以诚待人,质量第一,用户至上的宗旨,为客户提供质优价廉的变压器产品和满意的服务,用我们的智慧和汗水实现公司在竞争中的飞跃。 德诚公司在未来的12年的战略目标是:销售额每年增长30%以上,年销售额达10亿元,成为四川省变压器行业最低成本制造商,成为四川省变压器行业前三名,以企业做专、做精、做强的原则,成为有价值的公司。 德诚公司的发展战略是:将公司的全部资源集中配置到变压器制造业务领域,走专、精、强的道路,以实现公司发展的集中战略,同时加强市场渗透、市场开发和产品开发。 德诚公司的竞争战略是:成本领先战略和差异化战略相结合的竞争战略。 德诚公司发展战略的实施途径是:强化营销能力,争取市场份额;实施经营创新,积极开拓市场;提高管理水平,降低产品成本;不断开发新产品,打造核心竞争力。 第五部分重点探讨了战略实施中的一些主要问题,阐述战略的实施方法和举措,着重强调了实施举措的条理性和实用性。 第六部分给出了本文结论。 本文的创新之处在于:借鉴了国内变压器行业三家领先企业的发展战略,分析总结后,给作者以启示;在探讨战略实施中的几个主要问题时,注意了实施方法和举措的条理性和实用性。
[Abstract]:Tak is a company founded in 1995, specializing in the production of transformer products for small and medium enterprises. The author as general manager of Decheng company, hope to use the theoretical knowledge and learning abilities of research and analysis at the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics EMBA, in Decheng company as the research object, in-depth research and analysis, draw the conclusion of scientific research, make a correct strategy for enterprise development. There is a clear and correct development strategy of the company, will has very important practical significance for the survival and development of the company's future. Tak
The basic idea is: through the analysis of the company NCN external macro environment, and the analysis of the domestic transformer industry development status and competition situation, find out the external opportunities and threats, combined with internal conditions and the company's Tak Shing, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the reference, leading enterprise development strategy clearly, Decheng company's vision and mission, put forward the strategic objectives of the company, develop to match the internal and external environment of the company's overall development strategy and competitive strategy, and expounds the main measures and methods for the implementation of the strategy.
The text of this article is divided into six parts. The main contents and main points are as follows:
The first part explains the necessity of the research on the development strategy of the company and the research method and theoretical basis used in the research, and briefly explains the research background and the purpose of the research.
Darwin's theory of evolution says: "to survive is not the strongest, nor the most intelligent, but those who can respond quickly to change." this is the natural law of survival of the fittest competition in the enterprise, as well as to comply with the laws of nature. Research the development strategy, the significance of this is the major, which can solve the problems of long-term decision-making and the development direction of the company, the company can obtain and maintain the competitive advantage, be able to quickly identify and can effectively adapt to the changes, so the company can survive in the fierce competition, and access to development opportunities.
The theoretical basis and main methods used in the study are: strategic management process model, Michael Porter's five strength models, competition analysis method, external factor evaluation (EFE) matrix, internal factor evaluation (IFE) matrix, advantage weakness opportunity threat (SWOT) matrix.
The second part mainly analyzes the company's external environment. Tak
1, the external Decheng company facing the macro situation, economic policy, and from the political, social and cultural, four aspects of the technical analysis, found the following changes:
In the political and policy aspects: the new national government proposed the strategic goal of the two one hundred years "and" China dream "; the new government to vigorously promote the reform, provide the bonus system for upgrading China economic transformation; the new government to implement structural tax cuts," replacing business tax with value-added tax(VAT) ", support the development of enterprises the new government; to vigorously support the real economy and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; western development support the national industrial policy, vigorously develop the urbanization construction and railway construction, the introduction of local government to promote private economic development policies, to encourage private enterprise development.
On the economic side, the economic growth slowed down, the government maintained stable macroeconomic policies, and the transformation and upgrading of the economy, adjusting and optimizing the structure, and the shrinking market demand, the industrial prices continued to fall.
In the social and human aspects: "talent" is hard to seek, the cost of human resources has risen sharply, the demographic dividend has gradually disappeared, and the aging of the population begins.
On the technical side, the application of the Internet brings new business ways to enterprises, and the promotion of energy saving and environmental protection products produces new business opportunities.
2, the development of the domestic transformer industry is analyzed.
The transformer products, transformer market and transformer manufacturer are introduced in detail. The dry type transformers, aluminum conductor transformers, amorphous alloy transformers and box type transformers are mainly introduced.
The transformer industry scale: 2012 domestic transformer industry total industrial output value of 322 billion 260 million yuan, an increase of 7.30%; sales revenue 317 billion 74 million yuan, an increase of 9.28%; at the same time, industry sales profit rate remained above 10%. The transformer manufacturing industry production and sales growth, industry profitability is strong.
The transformer industry has good market prospects: the national energy-saving emission reduction policies for the development of transformer industry hope; accelerate the development of hydropower project to bring the market demand for the transformer industry; new energy generation and bring new opportunities for the transformer; the transformer industry will promote the development of national power grid construction investment in Railway construction; increase of transformer demand; urbanization led to the construction of transformer products.
3, the competition analysis method of Michael Porter's five power model is used to analyze the competition pattern of the domestic transformer industry market.
According to the scale of enterprises, the existing enterprises in the domestic transformer industry are divided into three camps. The competition pattern is: the first camp is weak, the second camp has strong competition, and the third camps are very competitive.
Second, there are more potential new players in the transformer industry, but the small size of the large size is less, so the threat of competition is little.
There is no replacement for the transformer at present.
Most of the raw materials of the transformer products are bulk commodities, and the price is greatly influenced by the international commodity market, so the suppliers' bargaining power is general.
The customer concentration of the transformer product is very high, mainly for the electric power department, and the customer's bargaining power is very strong.
4, from the development strategy of domestic transformer industry of three leading enterprises, the analysis found that: as long as in the more intense market competition environment of the enterprises, have taken to open up market market penetration strategy and market development strategy. In order to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, product development strategy is almost every enterprise can adopt the strategy.
5, according to the company's external environment Decheng above analysis, summed up the company's external opportunities and external threats, the use of external factors evaluation (EFE) matrix analysis, the conclusion is: the company NCN can make full use of external opportunities and avoiding external threats.
The third part through the analysis of the internal situation of Decheng company, summed up the timex company's strengths and weaknesses, using the internal factor evaluation (IFE) matrix analysis, the conclusion is: the company's internal situation is relatively strong Tak.
The fourth part is the main part of this article. According to the above analysis are summarized Decheng company's external opportunities and external threats, Decheng company's strengths and weaknesses, with (SWOT) strategic matching matrix, to match the strategic analysis, formulate the development strategy of Decheng company.
Tak Shing, the company's vision is: we should strive to become the leading enterprises in Sichuan Province, transformer industry, and for the country, customers, shareholders and employees to provide a good return.
Decheng company's mission is: to uphold the virtue first, treat people with sincerity, quality first, customer supreme purpose, provide the transformer quality and cheap products and satisfactory service for customers, realize the leap in the competition, with our wisdom and sweat.
Decheng company in 12 years of future strategic objectives are: Sales of more than 30% annual growth, annual sales of 1 billion yuan, Sichuan province has become the lowest cost producer in transformer industry, Sichuan province has become the transformer industry top three, designed to do, to do fine and stronger enterprises, the principle for the value of a company.
The development strategy of the company is: Decheng all resources allocation to the company transformer manufacturing business, go professional, fine, strong road, to achieve the company's development strategy, and strengthen market penetration, market development and product development.
Tak Shing, the company's competitive strategy is: differentiation strategy and cost leadership strategy combining the competition strategy.
The implementation approach of the development strategy of the company is: Tak Shing, strengthen the marketing ability, win the market share; the implementation of management innovation, and actively explore the market; improve the management level, reduce the cost of products; and constantly develop new products, to build the core competitiveness.
The fifth part focuses on some major problems in the implementation of the strategy, and expounds the implementation methods and measures of the strategy, laying stress on the orderliness and practicability of the implementation measures.
The sixth part gives the conclusion of this paper.
The innovation of this paper is: learning from the development strategy of the three leading enterprises in the transformer industry in China, after analyzing and summarizing, it gives the inspiration to the author. When discussing several main problems in the implementation of the strategy, we pay attention to the orderliness and practicability of the implementation methods and measures.
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