本文选题:低碳经济 切入点:制造业低碳发展 出处:《重庆工商大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Nowadays, as a new type of economy, low-carbon economy has become a hot topic in current policy discussion and academic research. China, as a developing and developing country with a large manufacturing industry, wants to achieve good results in energy saving and emission reduction and low-carbon development, it must be considered from the actual conditions of our country. From the perspective of energy consumption, environmental change and sustainable development of manufacturing industry in China, this paper studies a road suitable for the development of our country from the experience of low-carbon development at home and abroad. Taking the upper reaches of the Yangtze River as a pilot region, a series of studies on the low-carbon development of manufacturing industry in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are carried out. Firstly, this paper makes a detailed review of the relevant literature at home and abroad, and defines the low-carbon economy scientifically. The related concepts of low carbon development in manufacturing industry, and some theoretical basis and research methods on the development level of low-carbon economy in manufacturing industry are obtained, which can be used for reference. The theoretical basis and research method which accord with the research idea of this paper are selected, and the technical route of this paper is demonstrated, and the way to establish the index evaluation system of regional manufacturing low carbon economy development level is found. Secondly, This paper analyzes the empirical part from macro to micro levels. On the macro level, this paper is mainly based on the "driving-state-response" model proposed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Commission. That is, the DSR model evaluation index design method, to study the manufacturing industry low carbon development level of the relevant evaluation system design, from various different channels to find the empirical data to be used. Based on this, a quantitative study on the low-carbon development of manufacturing industry in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River is carried out, and a comparative analysis is made with the existing research results of the Yangtze River Delta. The reasons for the difference are analyzed from two aspects: internal inducement and external constraint. In addition, the paper further analyzes the input-output table and the calculation of the inductance coefficient from the micro perspective. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the low carbon correlation effect among manufacturing industries in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and draws a conclusion that the influence effect between the specific internal industries in developing the manufacturing low carbon economy in the upper Yangtze River economic region. Finally, at the end of the article, based on the combination of theory and empirical analysis, this paper explores and analyzes the mode and path of low-carbon development and construction of manufacturing industry in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and summarizes the full text.
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