本文选题:酒业协会 + 分会秘书长 ; 参考:《酿酒科技》2014年11期
[Abstract]:The annual meeting of the Alcohol Branch of the China Wine Industry Association was held in Nanyang, Henan Province on October 16, 2014. The theme of the meeting was: unite and cooperate to tide over the difficulties and promote the healthy development of the alcohol industry. Nearly 150 representatives of 50 enterprises in China attended the meeting, together with the alcohol industry out of the trough, out of the current predicament to give advice. Zhang Guohong, secretary general of the Alcohol Branch of the China Wine Industry Association, presided over the annual meeting. Alcohol Branch President Wang Qi, Tianguan Group Chairman Zhang Xiaoyang and other delegates went on stage to speak around the theme of the meeting and the participants for in-depth exchanges.
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