agency institution 的翻译结果
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agency institution
On the Formation and Management of Agency Institution for Production Safety
In the last part, it comparatively analyzed the application of shock option in domestic and foreign countries, and discussed the obstacles that stock option system encountered in China: corporate governance, the efficiency of stock market, agency institution, finance and accountancy laws etc.
The paper also puts forward the emphasis and suggestion on further practicing consumer credit policy at the present stage in China, such as the more perfect government policy, the better credit system, the better service of commercial bank, and the action of agency institution.
The government should rule the return to investors of listed companies,appoint agency institution to audit accounting information legally,and ensure all shareholders acquire their legal income.
It probes into the chanllenges and outlet of industry-university-research association,technology-transfer becomes urgent task of deepening Industry-University-Research association,a feasible analysis on the establishment of the circumstance and agency institution of technologytransfer is made.
Chapter IV makes a research on the auxiliary measures. Enriching the first instance procedure in order to make the trial centralized, strengthening the judge's right to explain and adopting the lawyer's compulsory agency institution can increase the speed of adjusting the procedural structure of civil appeal.
Assignment and agency institution is inherent in the state-ow ned enterprises in which there are administrational problems.
The theory considers a government as a faulty agency institution and responds to behaviors of different interest groups.
Credit Crisis of Intermediary Agency and Institution Establishment
On the Formation and Management of Agency Institution for Production Safety
Agency by Estoppels
On Morality of Institution
Unnamed Agency
查询“agency institution”译词为用户自定义的双语例句
agency institution
The specific nature of the experience will follow the pattern dictated by the agency/institution.
The c nature of the experience will follow the pattern dictated by the agency/institution.
Only Sweden knows an agency institution that meets the demands of functionalist theory.
Assignment and agency institution is inherent in the state-ow ned enterprises in which there are administrational problems. The vicissitudes o f administrational structure accompany the development of reform in national ent erprises. At present,administrational structure of state-owed enterprises has r evealed many problems which are affecting the efficiency of reforming institutio ns. Administrational structure in enterprises must be innovated in order to establish the modern enterprise system. The...
Assignment and agency institution is inherent in the state-ow ned enterprises in which there are administrational problems. The vicissitudes o f administrational structure accompany the development of reform in national ent erprises. At present,administrational structure of state-owed enterprises has r evealed many problems which are affecting the efficiency of reforming institutio ns. Administrational structure in enterprises must be innovated in order to establish the modern enterprise system. The core of administrational structure innovation is to cultivate the main bodies of ownership by reforming property ri ght system and establish the effective operators impelling and restraining mecha nism.
Perfect governance structure and mechanism of occupational pension are the keys to prevent risks of pension fund and guarantee benefits of beneficiaries.Based on characters of trust management model of China ' s occupational pension,this article rationally construct our governance structure and put forward governance mechanism including internal control,qualified limitation to trustee,information disclosure and supervision of agency institutions.
With the development of market economy and complicacy of social affairs, the government is facing capability insufficiency, and has to mobilize social resources to participate in management of social affairs, as well as the production safety. Under the background of social transformation and governmental administrative reform, it is especially necessary to encourage the agency institutions to participate into the affairs of production safety. In recent two years, with the implementation of Work Safety...
With the development of market economy and complicacy of social affairs, the government is facing capability insufficiency, and has to mobilize social resources to participate in management of social affairs, as well as the production safety. Under the background of social transformation and governmental administrative reform, it is especially necessary to encourage the agency institutions to participate into the affairs of production safety. In recent two years, with the implementation of Work Safety Act, the agency institutions for production safety, engaged in safety consultation, training, accreditation, registration, etc, are growing rapidly and contributing more to production safety. However, in the course of their development, there appear many serious problems which demand the government to supervise and regulate in their market admittance, self-rule, creating fair competitive environment, raise the level of evaluation report etc so as to promote agency institution to develop healthily under market economy.
随着市场经济的发展、社会事务的日益复杂化 ,政府职能向小政府大社会转变 ,机构调整和精减 ,需要动员社会力量广泛参与社会事务的管理。作为与国计民生关系密切的安全生产领域 ,同样面临着这一问题。在社会转型及政府机构改革的过程中 ,鼓励安全生产社会中介服务机构参与安全生产工作中来显得尤为必要和紧迫。近两年来 ,随着《安全生产法》的颁布和实施 ,我国安全生产中介市场发展迅速 ,作为第三方力量参与安全生产技术服务性工作中 ,越来越显示其重要作用和广阔的前景。该类机构在从事安全咨询、评价、评审、培训、考核、认证、检验、检测及注册等技术性服务活动 ,为我国安全生产作出了重要贡献。当然 ,在安全中介服务机构快速发展的同时 ,也出现了许多不容忽视的问题 ,需要政府在市场准入 ;行业监督 ;创造公平竞争环境 ,审查及考核中介机构认证、咨询资质 ;坚持科学、公正、公开依法办事等方面加强监督、管理。加强立法 ,严格监管 ,使安全生产社会中介服务机构在市场经济的建设中不断发展壮大