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发布时间:2018-06-20 02:56

  本文选题:轿车 + 自主品牌 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:经过多年的发展,我国汽车工业连续多年成为全球最大的汽车产销国,产销量接近2000万辆,成为汽车大国。与此同时我国自主品牌轿车产业经过30多年的发展,在产销量上取得了飞速的增长,自2009年后自主品牌轿车国内市场占有率超过其他各国品牌的市场占有率,但随着销量绝对量的快速增长,掩盖不住我国自主品牌轿车竞争力低的事实。我国自主品牌轿车企业提供的产品主要是小排量的微型和小型轿车,价格低廉,几乎丧失整个中高级轿车市场。汽车工业作为我国经济的支柱产业,而轿车工业的发展更是汽车工业竞争最激烈的领域,因此研究我国自主品牌轿车竞争力及如何提高有一定的现实意义。本文首先通过分析我国自主品牌轿车发展的必要性以及战略意义确定我国必须发展自主品牌的轿车,又运用多个竞争力指标对比分析,得出我国自主品牌轿车竞争力低的事实,进一步对其影响因素进行了探讨,最后提出了发展我国自主品牌轿车的发展战略、策略及具体措施。 正文分为五章。第一章是绪论,包括该课题研究的背景、意义、研究现状、研究所采用的主要方法及创新点和本文研究所主要采用的理论。 第二章是对我国自主品牌轿车发展现状的分析。基于产品结构、产销量和市场潜力为基础对我国轿车市场现状做了分析、又对我国发展自主品牌轿车的国内外环境分析,得出我国必须发展自主品牌轿车才能实现从汽车大国向汽车强国的跨越,最后简单论述了发展自主品牌轿车的战略意义。 第三章是对我国自主品牌轿车竞争力的分析。首先论述了我国自主品牌轿车发展模式的分析,进而得出我国必须走自主创新之路的结论:其次基于规模、研发能力和市场占有率三个竞争力指标,并通过与国外汽车品牌的比较分析,得出我国自主品牌轿车竞争力低的结论。 第四章是对影响我国自主品牌轿车竞争力的因素的分析,从内外部两方面对导致其竞争力低的原因进行了分析总结。 第五章是最后一章,是针对上述分析的结果,提出我国发展自主品牌轿车的发展战略是“站稳低端,瞄准中端,暂时舍弃高端”,进而围绕着此战略提出振兴自主品牌轿车的三大工程,即“轿车产业集聚工程”、“轿车专业技术人才培养工程”及“自主轿车品牌形象塑造工程”,最后从政府、行业和企业三个层面提出提升自主品牌轿车竞争力的具体建议。
[Abstract]:After years of development, China's automobile industry has become the world's largest automobile production and sales for many years, the production and sales volume is close to 20 million, becoming a big automobile country. At the same time, after more than 30 years of development, China's autonomous brand car industry has achieved rapid growth in production and sales. Since 2009, the domestic market share of autonomous brand cars has surpassed the market share of other brands in other countries. However, with the rapid growth of sales volume, it can not hide the fact that the competitiveness of our own brand cars is low. The products provided by the independent brand car enterprises in China are mainly mini and small cars with small displacement. The price is low and the whole middle and high class car market is almost lost. Automobile industry is the pillar industry of our country's economy, and the development of car industry is the most competitive field of automobile industry. Therefore, it is of practical significance to study the competitiveness of our country's own brand cars and how to improve it. Firstly, through analyzing the necessity and strategic significance of the development of autonomous brand cars in our country, this paper determines that our country must develop independent brands of cars, and draws the fact that the competitiveness of independent brand cars in China is low by the comparative analysis of several competitive indexes. Finally, the development strategy, strategy and concrete measures for the development of our own brand cars are put forward. The text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, including the research background, significance, research status, the main research methods and innovative points and the main theory adopted in this paper. The second chapter is the analysis of the development of independent brand cars in China. Based on the product structure, production and sales volume and market potential, this paper analyzes the present situation of China's car market, and analyzes the domestic and foreign environment of the development of autonomous brand cars in China. It is concluded that our country must develop its own brand car to realize the leap from a big automobile country to a powerful automobile country. At last, the strategic significance of developing its own brand car is briefly discussed. The third chapter is the analysis of the competitiveness of our own brand cars. First of all, it discusses the analysis of the development mode of our country's own brand car, and then draws the conclusion that our country must take the road of independent innovation: secondly, based on the three competitive indexes of scale, R & D capability and market share, Through the comparative analysis with foreign automobile brands, the conclusion is drawn that the competitiveness of our own brand cars is low. The fourth chapter analyzes the factors that affect the competitiveness of our country's independent brand cars, and analyzes and summarizes the causes of its low competitiveness from the internal and external aspects. The fifth chapter is the last chapter, which is based on the results of the above analysis, and points out that the development strategy of our country's independent brand car is "stand at the low end, aim at the middle end, and abandon the high end for the time being". Then three projects are put forward around this strategy, that is, "car industry agglomeration project", "car professional and technical personnel training project" and "independent car brand image building project". Finally, from the government, Industry and enterprise three levels to improve the competitiveness of independent brand cars specific recommendations.


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