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发布时间:2018-07-06 13:29

  本文选题:多中心治理 + 食品安全 ; 参考:《浙江财经学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:食品是人类赖以生存的物质基础,它与人民群众的身体健康及生命安全息息相关,同时也关系到国家与社会的和谐稳定发展。中国历来重视食品安全问题,自改革开放以来我国已经基本实现了全民温饱,食品的数量安全问题也得以缓解,但随着我国经济的飞速发展,人民群众早已不再仅满足于吃饱饭,他们更多地关注食品的质量安全。然而目前我国食品安全状况并不乐观,食品安全事件层出不穷,从问题奶粉系列事件、可口可乐“含氯门”事件、“地沟油”事件、到后来的双汇“瘦肉精”事件、“皮鞋酸奶果冻”事件,我国已经进入了危机频发时期,各种食品安全问题不断,发生频率急剧加快,这些频繁发生的食品安全事件使人民群众的生命安全受到严重威胁,同时也给国家经济造成巨大损失,降低了政府的公信力,威胁到社会的长久稳定及和谐社会的建设。总结历次食品安全事件的经验教训可以看出,食品安全危机具有突发性和极大的不确定性,频繁发生的食品安全危机事件对我国政府的危机治理能力提出了挑战。但是,从目前的现实情况来看,政府在紧急资源储备、人员调动、组织机制等方面存在各种局限性,无论是在食品安全危机预警、危机处理还是善后恢复阶段,单纯依靠政府的力量是无法快速、有效的解决危机的。因此,我们在坚持政府应急管理主导地位的同时,应强调应急管理主体的多元性,有必要将非政府组织、公众、营利组织等社会力量纳入到政府应急管理体系中,充分利用各主体的自身优势,发挥其在应急管理中的积极作用,调动一切可用的人力、物力资源,形成社会整体的危机应对网络,实现食品安全应急管理的多元参与,这是解决频发食品安全问题的关键之所在。 全文从多中心治理理论出发,试图通过研究分析来寻求完善我国食品安全应急管理多元参与机制的有效路径。文章共分为五个部分,第一部分:对本文的研究背景、研究意义,理论基础以及国内外食品安全应急管理多元参与的研究现状进行了详细的阐述;第二部分:对食品安全应急管理多元参与机制的相关概念作了详细的解读,探讨了完善食品安全应急管理多元参与机制的意义,并对我国食品安全应急管理多元参与机制建设的目前实践进展进行了阐述。第三部分:重点分析了我国食品安全应急管理多元参与机制所存在的问题及导致问题的深层原因,第四部分:运用比较分析方法分析了国外的食品安全应急管理多元参与机制,并得到国外食品安全应急管理多元参与机制建设的先进经验,,为完善我国多元参与机制提供有益经验借鉴。第五部分:针对我国食品安全危机应急管理多元参与机制的现状,从多元参与法律制度环境的优化、多元参与社会协作机制的构建、多元参与主体间信息沟通共享机制的完善、多元参与主体权责分配机制建设几方面对完善我国食品安全应急管理多元参机制提出了对策建议。
[Abstract]:Food is the material basis of human survival. It is closely related to the health of the people and the safety of life. At the same time, it is also related to the harmonious and stable development of the state and society. China has always attached importance to the problem of food safety. Since the reform and opening up, our country has basically realized the whole people's food and clothing, and the problem of the quantity safety of food has also been alleviated. But with the rapid development of our country's economy, the people are no longer satisfied with food and food. They pay more attention to the quality and safety of food. However, the situation of food safety in China is not optimistic, and the food safety incidents emerge in an endless stream, from the issue of the milk powder series, the Coca-Cola "chlorinated door" incident, the "gutter oil" event, to the post. The incident of "lean meat essence" of Shuanghui, "leather shoes and yogurt jelly", China has entered a period of frequent crisis, and the frequent occurrence of various food safety problems, the frequent occurrence of food safety incidents caused the people's life safety to be seriously threatened, but also caused great loss to the national economy, and reduced the loss of the national economy. The government's credibility threatens the long-term stability of the society and the construction of a harmonious society. A summary of the experience and lessons of the food safety incidents shows that the food safety crisis is of sudden and great uncertainty, and the frequent occurrence of food safety crisis has challenged the government's ability to govern the crisis. In front of the actual situation, the government has various limitations in the emergency resources reserve, personnel mobilization, organization mechanism and so on, whether it is in the food security crisis warning, crisis treatment or recovery stage, simply relying on the power of the government can not quickly, effectively solve the crisis. Therefore, we adhere to the government emergency management leading. At the same time, we should emphasize the pluralism of the main body of emergency management. It is necessary to bring the social forces of non-governmental organizations, the public and the profit organization into the government emergency management system, make full use of their own advantages, play their active role in emergency management, mobilize all available human and material resources, and form a social whole. Crisis response network, to achieve multiple participation in food safety emergency management, is the key to solve the frequent food safety problem.
Starting from the theory of multi center governance, this paper tries to find an effective way to improve the multi participation mechanism of food safety emergency management in China through research and analysis. The article is divided into five parts. The first part: the research background, research significance, theoretical foundation and the status of multiple participation in food safety emergency management at home and abroad. The second part explains in detail the related concepts of multiple participation mechanism in the emergency management of food safety, discusses the significance of improving the multi participation mechanism of food safety emergency management, and expounds the current practice progress of the construction of multiple participation mechanism of food safety emergency management in China. Third parts are also discussed. This paper focuses on the analysis of the problems in the multi participation mechanism of food safety emergency management in China and the deep reasons that lead to the problems. The fourth part is to analyze the multi participation mechanism of foreign food safety emergency management in foreign countries by comparative analysis method, and get the advanced experience of the construction of the multi participation mechanism of foreign food safety emergency management. The fifth part: in view of the present situation of multiple participation mechanism in the emergency management of food safety crisis in China, from the optimization of multiple participation in the legal system environment, the multi participation in the construction of social cooperation mechanism, the improvement of the multi participation mechanism of information communication and sharing among the participants, and the multi participation of the main body. The construction of power and responsibility distribution mechanism puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for improving the multi parameter mechanism of food safety emergency management in China.


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