发布时间:2018-07-24 18:31
【摘要】:我国正处于工业化中期。受国际金融危机影响,经济增长模式、产业分工以及新兴产业发展等都将发生重大变革。面对当前经济发展的新形势,以及经济全球化的快速推进和世界范围内产业结构的调整,哈尔滨的工业产业发展面临着严峻的挑战。因此,就如何促进我市工业产业发展,以适应新形势、新任务的需求,跟上市场需求的升级和变化,重新焕发生机与活力,实现哈尔滨经济发展的新突破、新飞跃,刻不容缓。寻找一条切实符合哈尔滨市经济社会发展实际,立足现有基础,以国家重点产业调整和振兴规划为指导,以强基础、调结构、增效益、保增长为主线,坚持优化存量与扩大增量相结合,,坚持科技创新与结构调整相结合,坚持市场主导与政策引导相结合的工业产业发展新路是当前迫切需要解决的重点问题。 为了实施切合实际的哈尔滨工业产业发展战略,本文首先对工业产业发展相关理论进行了认真研究;其次对哈尔滨工业产业发展的内外部环境进行了全面的分析和评价;再次在研究工业产业发展内外部环境的基础上,运用SWOT矩阵分析法分析了外部环境给哈尔滨工业产业发展带来的机遇和威胁以及内部环境的优势和劣势。并运用SWOT战略分析提出工业产业的发展战略。同时,在提出整体发展战略的基础上,确定了工业产业的发展愿景和长期目标;最后,提出了工业产业发展战略实施的基本思路,战略实施准备以及应采取的相应措施确保工业产业发展战略的顺利实施。
[Abstract]:China is in the middle of industrialization. Affected by the international financial crisis, economic growth model, industrial division of labor and the development of emerging industries will undergo major changes. In the face of the new situation of economic development, the rapid development of economic globalization and the adjustment of industrial structure in the world, Harbin's industrial development is facing severe challenges. Therefore, how to promote the development of our city's industrial industry in order to adapt to the new situation and the demand of new task, keep up with the upgrade and change of the market demand, renew the vigor and vitality, and realize the new breakthrough of Harbin's economic development, the new leap is urgent. To find a road that is in line with the reality of economic and social development in Harbin, based on the existing foundation, guided by the plan for the readjustment and revitalization of the state's key industries, and with a strong foundation, structural adjustment, increased efficiency, and guaranteed growth as the main line, It is an urgent problem to solve at present to combine the optimization of stock with the expansion of increment, the combination of scientific and technological innovation and structural adjustment, and the combination of market leading and policy guidance in the development of industrial industry. In order to implement the practical development strategy of Harbin's industrial industry, this paper firstly studies the relevant theories of Harbin's industrial development, and then makes a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the internal and external environment of Harbin's industrial development. Thirdly, on the basis of studying the internal and external environment of industrial development, the paper analyzes the opportunities and threats brought by the external environment to the development of industrial industry in Harbin and the advantages and disadvantages of the internal environment by using the SWOT matrix analysis method. And use SWOT strategic analysis to put forward the development strategy of industrial industry. At the same time, on the basis of the overall development strategy, the development vision and long-term goal of the industrial industry are determined. Finally, the basic ideas of the implementation of the industrial development strategy are put forward. Strategic implementation preparation and corresponding measures should be taken to ensure the smooth implementation of industrial development strategy.
[Abstract]:China is in the middle of industrialization. Affected by the international financial crisis, economic growth model, industrial division of labor and the development of emerging industries will undergo major changes. In the face of the new situation of economic development, the rapid development of economic globalization and the adjustment of industrial structure in the world, Harbin's industrial development is facing severe challenges. Therefore, how to promote the development of our city's industrial industry in order to adapt to the new situation and the demand of new task, keep up with the upgrade and change of the market demand, renew the vigor and vitality, and realize the new breakthrough of Harbin's economic development, the new leap is urgent. To find a road that is in line with the reality of economic and social development in Harbin, based on the existing foundation, guided by the plan for the readjustment and revitalization of the state's key industries, and with a strong foundation, structural adjustment, increased efficiency, and guaranteed growth as the main line, It is an urgent problem to solve at present to combine the optimization of stock with the expansion of increment, the combination of scientific and technological innovation and structural adjustment, and the combination of market leading and policy guidance in the development of industrial industry. In order to implement the practical development strategy of Harbin's industrial industry, this paper firstly studies the relevant theories of Harbin's industrial development, and then makes a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the internal and external environment of Harbin's industrial development. Thirdly, on the basis of studying the internal and external environment of industrial development, the paper analyzes the opportunities and threats brought by the external environment to the development of industrial industry in Harbin and the advantages and disadvantages of the internal environment by using the SWOT matrix analysis method. And use SWOT strategic analysis to put forward the development strategy of industrial industry. At the same time, on the basis of the overall development strategy, the development vision and long-term goal of the industrial industry are determined. Finally, the basic ideas of the implementation of the industrial development strategy are put forward. Strategic implementation preparation and corresponding measures should be taken to ensure the smooth implementation of industrial development strategy.
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