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发布时间:2018-07-24 19:42
【摘要】:随着消费观念的改变与消费水平的提高,随着人们对美丽的要求越来越高,传统意义上的化妆品已经不能完全满足人们的需求,越来越多的人不仅仅关注美丽,而且逐渐开始关注如何健康的美丽。药妆品又以其独特的安全性和非致敏性,开始逐渐受到消费者的青睐。 比较中法药妆市场的制度,根据对两国药妆市场纳税环节的比较指出我国对于药妆产品的认识并没有与时俱进,在税负角度仍然认为药妆产品属于奢侈品而征收高达30%的消费税,令本应平民化的护肤产品变成工薪阶层无法接受的价格高昂的产品,因此阻碍了我国药妆市场的发展;根据两国药妆市场的管理制度比较指出我国对于化妆品市场(含药妆)的监管实行多部门一同监管,会造成一些如管理不及时、管理标准不一、资源浪费等监管漏洞。比较中法药妆市场的结构,根据对两国药妆市场的市场集中度、消费需求和规模的比较指出我国的药妆市场有近60%的市场份额被外资企业占据,而且我国的潜在消费需求巨大,本土药妆企业未来可发展空间巨大。 运用市场分析中定量分析的方法,从宏观经济和市场销售两个角度对中国药妆市场的发展进行定量测度,得出我国药妆市场在未来十年内能与国际水平接轨。基于测度结果合理性分析,,药妆市场的未来发展需要做到以下几点:政府完善相关法律法规、企业树立良好的品牌形象、提高顾客对药妆产品的认知度、本土企业要发挥价格优势和提升我国药妆企业的科技水平和创新能力。
[Abstract]:With the change of consumption concept and the improvement of consumption level, with the increasing demand for beauty, the traditional cosmetics can no longer fully meet the needs of people, more and more people not only pay attention to beauty, And gradually began to focus on how healthy beauty. Because of its unique safety and non-sensitization, pharmaceutical products began to be favored by consumers. Comparing the Chinese and French pharmaceutical makeup market systems, according to the comparison of the tax payment links of the two countries' pharmaceutical makeup market, it is pointed out that China's understanding of pharmaceutical makeup products has not kept pace with the times. In the perspective of tax burden, medicine and makeup products are still regarded as luxury goods and the consumption tax is as high as 30%, which makes the skin care products that should be popularized become expensive products that are unacceptable to the working class, thus hindering the development of the pharmaceutical makeup market in our country; According to the comparison of the management system of the pharmaceutical makeup market between the two countries, it is pointed out that the regulation of the cosmetic market (including pharmaceutical makeup) in our country will be supervised by various departments together, which will lead to some regulatory loopholes such as untimely management, inconsistent management standards, waste of resources, and so on. Comparing the structure of the Chinese and French pharmaceutical makeup markets, according to the market concentration, consumption demand and scale of the two countries' pharmaceutical makeup markets, it is pointed out that nearly 60% of the market share of the pharmaceutical makeup market in China is occupied by foreign-funded enterprises, and the potential consumption demand of our country is huge. Local pharmaceutical makeup enterprises in the future can be a huge space for development. Using the method of quantitative analysis in market analysis, this paper quantitatively measures the development of Chinese pharmaceutical makeup market from two angles of macro economy and market sale, and draws a conclusion that China's pharmaceutical makeup market will be in line with the international level in the next ten years. Based on the rationality analysis of the measurement results, the future development of the pharmaceutical makeup market needs the following points: the government improves the relevant laws and regulations, the enterprises establish a good brand image, and improve the customer's recognition of the pharmaceutical makeup products. Local enterprises should give full play to price advantages and improve the scientific and technological level and innovation ability of Chinese pharmaceutical and makeup enterprises.


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