[Abstract]:ZTE is China's largest listed company in communications equipment manufacturing and one of the earliest pioneers to travel abroad. In the domestic market fierce competition, gradually saturated circumstances, ZTE began to consciously try overseas projects. From China's neighboring countries, to Asia, to Africa and Latin America, ZTE, with its low-cost and differentiated competitive advantage, has achieved success in the vast emerging markets, with revenues growing at a high rate for many years in a row. The overall size and strength of the company have made considerable progress. In recent years, ZTE has implemented a radical big power T expansion strategy in order to upgrade from emerging markets to high-end markets in Europe and the United States and optimize from middle and low end customers to high end customers. Under the dual constraints of the shrinking global telecom market and the shortage of its own capacity and resources, its expansion strategy has suffered a failure, resulting in ZTE being plunged into a huge crisis. How to get out of the quagmire as soon as possible through strategic transformation, how to restore vitality, how to ensure profits while pursuing scale expansion, how to match the company's strategy with the external environment and its own ability, ZTE is the current and even the next period of time to consider the most important issues. This paper makes an empirical study on the international market strategy of ZTE by using the theory of enterprise strategic management. The thesis uses dynamic analysis and qualitative / quantitative analysis, and takes ZTE as the research object. From the development of ZTE in the past 10 years to understand ZTE's strategic context and existing problems. On the basis of systematical analysis of the present situation of the whole communication equipment industry, using Porter's five-force model and SWOT analysis, this paper expounds the external environment of ZTE from the point of view of international macro environment and competition environment, and through the analysis of knowing one's own and one's enemy, The strategic transformation direction of ZTE international market is worked out. While the strategic transformation direction of international market is worked out, some suggestions on the implementation of the strategy are given from the aspects of marketing, organization structure, human resources and so on. From the perspective of international management, this paper provides a scientific decision basis for the next strategic transformation of ZTE's international market by studying the current internationalization strategy of ZTE. Hope that similar domestic enterprises from ZTE international development process to obtain useful reference role.
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