[Abstract]:With the marketization of electricity, competition in the electricity market has gradually emerged. Electricity, like other commodities, has become a profitable object. From its own point of view, the power generation chamber considers the competition in the electricity market from the market information it possesses. In order to obtain the best profit, the paper analyzes the problems related to the profit in the electricity market. The most commonly used approximate models for power market analysis are the: Cournot model Stackelber model (leader-follower model) and Forchheimer (leader-price receiver model). Based on load forecasting, this paper makes some analysis on electricity market. On the basis of complete information, the Cournot model Stackelber model and the competition between Forchheimer and electricity market are analyzed. Firstly, the Nash equilibrium of electricity market under complete information is analyzed. Assuming that one of the two producers forecasts the market load and the other does not participate in the market load forecasting, the game theory is used to calculate the market equilibrium of the electricity market. Compared the market equilibrium before and after the load forecasting, and analyzed the relationship between the load forecast increment k and the equilibrium electricity price and market power. The results show that load forecasting has the greatest influence on the market equilibrium price, market power and generator income in the Stackelber model. Load forecasting can improve the income of generators, adjust the equilibrium price of electricity market in real time, and improve local market power. The profit of the generator increases with the accuracy of the forecast. Under incomplete information, this paper discusses the Cournot model Stackelber model electricity market competition. The model is based on the fact that generator 1 only knows its own marginal cost of generation, and generator 2 knows the cost of generator 1. The market equilibrium of electricity market before and after load forecasting is calculated by using game theory method. The relationship between load forecasting increment k and equilibrium electricity price and market power in power market is analyzed. The results show that in the market competition after load forecasting, the party with information advantage will get higher income. Load forecasting can improve the income of generators, adjust the equilibrium price of electricity market in real time, and improve local market power. The profit of generator increases with the accuracy of prediction, and the accuracy of forecast is less than 33%.
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