[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's reform and opening up, China is playing a more and more important role in the world economy, and our manufacturing industry has become more and more the manufacturing center of the world. However, what does not match this is that the quality basis of our products is still very weak at present. The quality assurance ability is not high, the overall product quality is not strong enough, and the product quality fluctuates frequently. In the face of fierce market competition and diversified product demand, the mode of production of enterprises has changed from mass production to multi-variety and small batch production. The customer's demand for the quality of the products is also increasing. Under the influence of the international economic depression and other factors, the multi-variety and small-batch production enterprises must pay attention to the quality improvement and improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprises through continuous quality improvement. This paper first studies the characteristics of multi-variety and small-batch production enterprises, and analyzes the characteristics of 8D theory, which is mainly used to deal with customer complaints in many manufacturing enterprises, especially automobile manufacturing enterprises. The advantages and disadvantages and application scope are discussed in depth. On this basis, the significance, theoretical basis and conditions of improving the quality of 8D in this type of enterprise are analyzed, and the relevant improvement strategies are put forward. By analyzing the abnormal improvement of 8D production quality in JH enterprises, it is proved that the 8D quality improvement in JH enterprises is successful and the corresponding effect has been obtained. In view of the fact that 8D only pays attention to the problem solving and neglects the overall quality improvement performance, a quality improvement performance evaluation index system is established on the basis of the theoretical research on quality improvement and quality improvement performance. This paper analyzes the quality improvement performance of JH enterprises by using data envelopment analysis, and draws the conclusion that the quality improvement performance of JH enterprises is effective. The feasibility and effectiveness of 8D quality improvement in multi-variety and small batch production enterprises are proved in practice.
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