[Abstract]:Today's society has entered the information age. China is following a new road of industrialization with Chinese characteristics, which combines informatization with industrialization, and makes informatization and industrialization promote each other and develop together. China is a large industrialized country, and the manufacturing industry plays an important role in the industrial system. How to use all kinds of means, including information technology, to transform traditional manufacturing enterprises into information technology is a problem that must be considered in order to realize modernization of manufacturing enterprises in China. The scientific evaluation of manufacturing enterprises' informatization level is an important prerequisite for manufacturing enterprises to understand their own development situation. Only by mastering the stage and level in which enterprises are in the process of information development can they formulate correct information strategies and strategies. Therefore, the evaluation and research of manufacturing enterprise informatization has become an important aspect in the field of informatization research. In this paper, the current situation and existing problems of Chinese manufacturing enterprises in the process of informatization are discussed from the research of the related concepts and theories of information technology and information technology. By studying the definition of information technology, the relationship between information technology and information technology is clarified, and the influence of information technology on the management efficiency of manufacturing enterprises is studied. Through the research of macro and micro environment and internal and external environment, the evaluation index system of manufacturing enterprise informatization level is established by using scientific method, and the different composing levels of index system and the evaluation of specific index are explained and analyzed. Try to fully reflect the level of information of our manufacturing enterprises. After the establishment of the index system, the information level of manufacturing enterprises is evaluated quantitatively by using AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and the structural equation model is applied to the weight setting of informatization evaluation. Try to combine subjective and objective analysis method to measure the information index comprehensively and accurately. On the basis of the evaluation results by using the information evaluation index system, the research ideas and methods of the information strategy are used, and the information environment of the enterprise is combined. This paper puts forward strategic guidance and suggestions on how to carry out informatization transformation in the increasingly fierce market competition of manufacturing enterprises. In this paper, the radar map method is used to determine the deficiency of the development of the enterprise in the process of information, and the management board of the manufacturing enterprise is patched and promoted. Finally, through the empirical study of Mitsubishi Elevator Factory, the paper demonstrates the application of the informatization evaluation index of manufacturing enterprises in the actual enterprise information transformation, and applies the informatization strategy to transform the business process of the enterprise, and improve the informatization level of the enterprise. And then improve the overall efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. The research contents of this paper follow the method of summarizing the law of informatization development from the theoretical basis and the present situation, and establishing the method of information-based evaluation index, index evaluation, environmental analysis and strategy put forward, case verification based on the actual situation of manufacturing enterprise. Multi-dimensional evaluation of the level of information of manufacturing enterprises.
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