[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic globalization and the arrival of knowledge economy, innovation has become the key factor to drive economic growth and enhance regional core competitiveness. Constructing regional innovation network has become one of the emphases of economic geography scholars serving society and innovating discipline theory. The Yangtze River economic belt is the largest inland river economic belt in the world today. The equipment manufacturing industry is an important supporting force to promote industrialization and the core motive force to change the mode of economic growth and optimize the industrial structure. Looking around the world, China's equipment manufacturing industry has surpassed the United States, Japan, Germany and other developed countries, ranking the first in the world, but there are also problems such as weak innovation awareness, poor innovation ability, low value-added products and weak market competitiveness. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to comprehensively evaluate the development conditions of the Yangtze Economic Belt and to explore the construction of the innovative network of production, education and research in the equipment manufacturing industry of the Yangtze Economic Belt. The joint application for invention patent reflects the applied technical innovation cooperation among different subjects, the scientific and technological papers reflect the basic technological innovation cooperation among different subjects, and the strategic alliance of industrial technological innovation is a new mode of cooperation between industry, university and research. It reflects the innovative cooperation in the transformation of scientific research achievements between different subjects. Most of the existing research results are based on provinces as spatial units, mainly on the geographical distance, relational capital and its impact on the innovation network at the provincial level in China. As a matter of fact, most of the innovation cooperation among the main bodies of our country takes place in the same city area or between adjacent cities. Therefore, this paper studies the formation and evolution mechanism of the innovation network of equipment industry in the Yangtze economic belt, taking the prefecture-level city as the basic spatial unit. Specifically, the author collects the data of invention patents, scientific and technological papers and industrial alliances of 110 cities in the Yangtze economic belt, constructs an index system for evaluating the innovation environment, and makes a quantitative evaluation of the innovation environment in the Yangtze economic belt. This paper divides the development stage of the innovation network of the Yangtze economic belt, and makes a systematic study on the interaction between the innovation environment and the innovation network, the formation and evolution of the innovation network in the economic belt of the Yangtze River. In order to reflect the characteristics of the innovation network of the equipment manufacturing industry in the Yangtze economic belt, the paper calculates quantitatively the scale, density and center potential by using the patent of invention, scientific and technological papers, industrial alliance data, UCINet software and Arcgis software. The index of the innovation network structure of the equipment industry in the Yangtze economic belt, such as the center degree, is used to draw the map of the spatial structure of the innovation network. The author finds that the internal connection of the equipment industry innovation network in the Yangtze economic belt is not strong in general, but it presents a situation of rapid expansion of scale and rapid improvement of the contact intensity, and the spatial agglomeration characteristics of the innovation network are remarkable. The Yangtze River Delta is the core area of the innovation network of the Yangtze River economic belt: universities and large enterprises are at the core of the innovation network of equipment industry, and small enterprises are on the edge of the network, and the innovation network of the equipment industry in the economic belt of the Yangtze River is open to each other. It should start with the government, enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes, and speed up the construction of the innovative network of equipment manufacturing industry, education and research in the Yangtze economic belt.
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