[Abstract]:At present, a lot of foreign investment has entered China, but like Coca-Cola, it has become an industry leader and has also established a noble corporate image in the minds of consumers, and its development has reached all of China's enterprises, and this is the only one. This is directly related to the competitive strategy it makes and implements according to the Chinese market. This reflects not only the unusual level of strategic improvement of Coca-Cola 's management in China, but also the strong strategic implementation guarantee of Coca-Cola. This is precisely what our Chinese counterparts lack. If they want to be big and strong and go abroad, especially in Europe and the United States, they must learn from Coca-Cola 's experience. This is the meaning of my paper. The first chapter is the introduction. This paper mainly introduces the research background and significance, the literature review and research content of competition strategy. In particular, it focuses on the innovation of my research-not only using the commonly used PEST environment analysis, SWOT analysis and other business administration emphasis on the management of theoretical tools, It also makes use of the theories of management and psychology in business administration, such as Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs, Mayo's theory of social person, morale theory, informal group theory through the famous Hawthorne experiment. Interpersonal leadership theory and other proven effective tools. In addition, in order to analyze the psychological motivations of the Coca-Cola side's business behavior and the purchase of Coca-Cola products by different groups of consumers in China, I also introduced the experimental methods of business psychology and the theory of subconscious guiding role in consumption. This is the theoretical basis and analytical framework of the article. The second chapter mainly analyzes the development of Coca-Cola in China. The problems are caused by Coca-Cola 's special identity, initial strategic inadequacies or missteps, and frequent scandals in recent years. The third chapter firstly analyzes the external environment of Coca-Cola Company in China and evaluates the environment of soft drink industry in China and the efforts of Coca-Cola to improve the external environment. Then the soft drink industry environment of Coca-Cola is analyzed. Finally, the core competitiveness of Coca-Cola and SWOT analysis are carried out. The core competitiveness of Coca-Cola is brand value and beverage secret formula. The fourth chapter is mainly about the implementation and guarantee of Coca-Cola 's strategy in China. Coca-Cola 's product strategy allows it to produce products that are highly responsive to consumer psychology. Coca-Cola 's channel strategy makes Coca-Cola 's products ubiquitous in China. The promotion strategy of Coca-Cola inspires the consumer to buy the motive, induces the consumer emotion resonance. Coca-Cola 's price strategy is concentrated in "affordable." Coca-cola's cultural guarantee is mainly embodied in its advanced nature, universality and Chinese characteristics. System guarantee is mainly reflected in the strategic direction of personnel management. Finally, in the summary, I compare the differences of corporate culture, system and strategy between Coca Cola and similar domestic enterprises, and further confirm the merits of Coca-Cola. Domestic enterprises must construct corporate culture, perfect management system, attach importance to the long-term and practical nature of strategy, respect the psychological needs of different customers, and become the favorite of different countries and cultures just like Coca-Cola. Only by learning from Coca-Cola can China's soft drinks industry produce a multinational giant as big and powerful as Coca-Cola.
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