[Abstract]:The cost of energy dependence and the resulting fragility of the nation set the United States administration on the path to energy independence since President Nixon in 1973. To this end, in decades through a range of scientific research to legislation to support shale gas development. The shale gas revolution triggered by shale gas development is a phased achievement on America's quest for energy independence. Shale gas development is not equal to energy independence, nor is it the only effort by the United States to seek energy independence; nor does it undermine the importance of traditional energy and energy producers. However, shale gas development does increase and will continue to enhance U.S. energy independence and will likely provide new impetus to the U.S. economy, thus contributing to the country's strength and position. In contrast, the rise will make the importance of traditional energy powers seem less important. Before the large-scale commercial exploitation of shale gas, American governments and entrepreneurs had been quietly working for decades on this outcome. It is in this sense that the shale gas revolution is a revolution that cannot be exported directly. Considering the potential damage to the environment in the process of shale gas development, for China, shale gas development should not be carried out too quickly so as to avoid endless trouble; the most urgent task is to advance scientific research and slow development.
【作者单位】: 北京交通大学中国产业安全研究中心;
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