[Abstract]:In Canada, dairy is a highly protected industry that imposes high tariffs on out-of-quota imports, so Canadian dairy imports are small and trade between the United States and Canada is very small. The price of raw milk and dairy products in Canada is significantly higher than in the United States. According to the statistics of Chinese dairy industry in Holstein 2014 >, the price of Canadian milk in 2013 was $78 / 100kg, which was more than 70% higher than that in the United States ($44 / 100kg). In order to protect the domestic dairy industry, Canada has adopted dairy products as an exception in negotiations such as the WTO, North American Free Trade area, and imposed quota regulations on imported dairy products.
【作者单位】: 农业部农业贸易促进中心政策研究所;中国农业科学院农业信息研究所国际情报研究室;
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