[Abstract]:On October 28, Li Jinzhu, vice governor of Shaanxi Province, made a special report on the transformation and development of Shaanxi's industrial economy at the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee. Wang Jianzhong, executive vice president of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over. In the report, Li Jinzhu elaborated in detail the new mission of Shaanxi's industrial development, the new path of Shaanxi's industrial transformation and upgrading and the three aspects of doing a good job in Shaanxi's industrial transformation and upgrading government management. He pointed out: it is not only necessary to recognize the new level of industrial development in Shaanxi, but also to face up to the existing problems of not having a strong industrial category in an all-round way, the overall extensive mode of development, and the two problems of insufficient investment power and market demand. Adapting to the new normal, ensuring high-speed and pursuing high-end are the new mission of Shaanxi industrial development. He stressed the need to focus on the "high-end, low-carbon" development theory.
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