[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and information technology, the world era of knowledge economy has come, and the management and management of enterprises are changing obviously. The management of enterprises in the 21 century is no longer the original functional management, but has gradually changed into an integrated management with new management ideas. As an important part of modern enterprises' strategic decision, procurement management has become an important means to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. Establish and perfect supplier selection and comprehensive management evaluation system, gradually realize the basic purpose of reducing the operating cost and improving the management efficiency. In this paper, the main clue is to study the purchasing management of TH Group. Firstly, combined with the current purchasing management situation of TH Group, this paper points out the characteristics and problems of the current purchasing management, that is, simple and random, lack of systematic, scientific, and scientific. Normative, and so on, defines the research focus of the paper, and determines the content and methods of gradual research. In addition, this paper analyzes several common purchasing management models, points out their advantages, disadvantages and applicable conditions, and optimizes the organizational structure and functions of TH Group. Then, the paper reclassifies the purchasing materials of TH Group, designs different purchasing business processes for different materials, emphasizes on the discussion of supplier audit, evaluation and relationship management in the optimization selection of suppliers. Furthermore, the construction and application of purchasing management information based on ERP system are discussed in detail. Through the scientific and effective purchasing management theory and practice, the purpose of this paper is to optimize the enterprise purchasing management from many aspects and angles, to improve the whole management level of TH Group, and to promote its healthy and stable development.
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