[Abstract]:In order to rationally allocate the safety input of coal enterprises, optimize the safety structure of coal enterprises, and improve the safety efficiency of coal enterprises, combined with the actual development of coal enterprises in China, the production function analysis method of invariable substitution for elastic (Constant Elasticity of Substitution,CES) is adopted. This paper evaluates and analyzes the safety efficiency of coal enterprises in China from 2005 to 2011, then estimates the optimal CES production parameters by least square method, and optimizes the safety efficiency of coal enterprises. The results show that the R & D expenditure, the number of employees, the ratio of coal production to safety input in China's coal enterprises are 1.39 ~ 1, 2.73, 2.28, The optimal investment ratio after optimization is 5? 1? 8. 09? 4.82. Comparing the results of CES optimization with the proportion of 6 coal enterprises with higher safety efficiency (4.68 ~ 1 ~ 7.64 ~ 4.35), it is found that the two methods are very close to each other, thus demonstrating the practicability and effectiveness of the method. The research shows that the resource utilization rate of coal enterprises in China is low, the personnel redundancy is high, and the per capita safety investment and R & D expenses are seriously insufficient.
【作者单位】: 中南大学资源与安全工程学院数字矿山研究中心;
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