[Abstract]:Abstract: the technical and economic analysis is to demonstrate the advanced nature of technology, the rationality of economy and other aspects of the proposed project, the purpose of which is to provide the decision-making basis for investment decision-makers, and at the same time to sign a contract for bank loans and partners. Engineering design, etc., to provide the basis and basic information. As far as a good project is concerned, besides the advanced technology, its economic rationality and social benefits are also an important basis for project decision-making. Shanghai Baosteel Section Steel Co., Ltd. is a strong competitive steel manufacturer in the domestic and foreign markets. In order to meet the needs of the market and strengthen the competitiveness of the company, Baosteel Section Steel Co., Ltd. plans to build a new production line of LW360 high-strength cold-formed section steel. This paper studies the related theories of the technical and economic analysis of the project, introduces the background of implementing the new production line of LW360 high-strength cold-formed section steel, carries on the market research and forecast to the implementation of the project, and then analyzes the technical scheme design of the project. On this basis, the relevant economic data of the project are quantitatively studied and predicted, the investment estimation and related fund raising of the project are analyzed, through the analysis of profitability and solvency, the analysis of profit and loss balance and the analysis of sensitivity, The financial feasibility of the project is demonstrated. Finally, the qualitative analysis and prediction of the social impact of the project implementation are made. Based on the above analysis, this paper holds that the new construction project of LW360 high strength cold formed section steel production line in Shanghai Baosteel Section Steel Co., Ltd is a technically advanced and economically reasonable feasible scheme, which can not only make the enterprises obtain better economic benefits after implementation. Expand the market share, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, at the same time have a good social effect.
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