[Abstract]:Pesticides are very important means of agricultural production, refers to the control of pests, weeds and germs harmful to crops. The whole pesticide industry chain is composed of three parts: pesticide intermediates, pesticide synthesis and preparation processing. Worldwide, food losses avoided as a result of the use of pesticides account for about 1 / 3 per cent of total food production In China, 22% of the world's population is supported by 7% of the world's arable land, in which pesticides play an important role. Therefore, pesticides play a very important role in agricultural development and human food security. Under the contradiction of the global population growth and the decrease of cultivated land area, the widespread use of pesticides to increase the yield per unit area is an important way to solve the grain problem. From last year's toxic cowpea incident to the explosion of watermelons this summer, the pesticide industry has attracted widespread attention. The farmers' responsibility for the residue caused by the failure to use pesticides as required has been infinitely amplified to the pesticide producers themselves. Under the pressure of complex and changeable world economic environment, adjustment of national macro-policy requirements, fierce competition in the international market and negative cognition of the public, domestic pesticide production enterprises want to survive. Must obtain certain competitive advantage, formulate feasible development strategy. Su Li started from fine chemical products, began to step into the field of pesticide-related fine chemicals in 1995, and was approved as a pesticide production enterprise by the former Ministry of Chemical Industry in 1996. Thanks to the rapid development of the market in recent years, by virtue of its precise market positioning, it has achieved success in the market of pesticide fungicides and bromine flame retardants, and its position in the industry has been continuously improved, And from a professional supplier of fine chemical products to provide a complete set of solutions for technical support of fine chemical enterprises. However, in the face of the increasingly fierce competition in the industry and the increasing requirements of the industry, as a fast-growing small and medium-sized enterprise, the company needs to make clear the development strategy for the next five years, to locate precisely and to find the other side. This is dedicated to the development strategy of Su Li Company, through extensive and in-depth investigation, research and analysis of Su Li's internal and external environment, The development goal and strategic orientation of Su Li Company in the next five years: the registration based on the global strategic market layout, and the development strategy combined with the integrated marketing model of production, marketing, research and service.
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