[Abstract]:Ten years ago, cars were a luxury. Ten years later, cars have been popularized on a considerable scale, and have penetrated into the daily life of the general public, and the number of car brands in China's car market is also increasing. "in 1995, the number of car product brands in China was only 9; in 2010, the number of brands in China's car market has reached 164." However, in recent years, the top 10 brands in China's car market are basically joint venture car brands or foreign car brands. Not only the high-end brand of high-end car is dominated by foreign high-end brand, but also most of the car brands with strong competitiveness and high market share are also foreign brands in the medium-range car market. The strong independent car brand in our country is absent, and the brand communication measures need to be integrated urgently. The development of the strong independent car brand in our country can enhance the national image of our country and promote the further promotion of the independent innovation ability of our country. The establishment of the strong independent car brand can bring a series of brand utility and brand value (economic value, historical value and aesthetic value, etc.) to the independent brand car enterprise, and can effectively promote the development of each independent brand car enterprise. Strong independent car brand can bring a series of interest commitments to consumers, can reduce the risk of consumers buying cars, can bring a lot of additional value. Therefore, whether standing in the national, independent car brand car enterprises or consumers, the integration of independent car brand communication measures, building a strong independent car brand, will be the general trend of the times. This paper holds that because of its distinctive communication characteristics and many communication values, as well as its high agreement with the brand communication of independent cars, the Internet will become an important way for independent car brand communication in the information age. At the end of 2011, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) aims at the golden segment of television advertising time. Many enterprises, including independent brand car enterprises, turn to other media represented by the Internet to make up for the shortage caused by the compression of TV advertising time to brand communication. Based on the theories of brand, communication and marketing, this paper makes a deep analysis and research on the three main research objects of independent car brand, network media and audience, as well as the agreement among them. The specific research objects include the network development of our country, the development and predicament of independent car brand, the brand status of car market in our country, the network contact behavior and information consumption habit of netizens in the information age, the characteristics, information arrangement and communication strategy of independent car brand communication under different network communication forms, such as network advertisement, Weibo, microfilm and so on.
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