发布时间:2017-04-09 07:13
【关键词】:化妆品 丹姿 竞争地位 战略
- Acknowledgements4-5
- Abstract5-7
- 摘要7-18
- 1 Introduction18-22
- 1.1 Research Background and Significance18-20
- 1.2 Research Methodology and Approach20-21
- 1.2.1 Research Methodology20-21
- 1.2.2 Research Idea21
- 1.3 Outline of This Paper21-22
- 2 Literature Review22-34
- 2.1 Strategy and Strategic Management22-28
- 2.2 Literature Review of Cosmetic Enterprise Strategy in China28-30
- 2.3 Analytic Tool30-34
- 3 Case Description34-41
- 3.1.An Introduction of DANZ Ltd Company34-36
- 3.2 Strategic Objectives of DANZ36-37
- 3.3 Strategic Planning and Its Implementation37-38
- 3.4 Industry Benchmark38
- 3.5 DANZ and ITS main rivalries and products38-39
- 3.6 The Problems Faced by DANZ39-41
- 4 Case Analysis41-76
- 4.1 Analysis of the Globe Cosmetics Industry41-47
- 4.2 Analysis of China’s Cosmetics Industry47-53
- 4.3 Analysis of External Environment of DANZ53-60
- 4.4 Internal Analysis of DANZ Ltd Enterprise60-69
- 4.4.1 Resource Analysis of DANZ Ltd Enterprise61-67
- 4.4.2 Analysis of the Current Capacity of DANZ Ltd Enterprise67-69
- 4.5 Analysis the implementation of the strategies of DANZ69-72
- 4.6 Comparative Analysis with the benchmark and main rivalries of DANZ72-76
- 4.6.1 Comparative Analysis with the Benchmark Company72-73
- 4.6.2 The strengths and weaknesses of the main rivalries of DANZ73-74
- 4.6.3 The SWOT analysis of DANZ74-76
- 5 Suggestions76-92
- 5.1 Adjustment of DANZ Strategic Objective76
- 5.2 Strategic Options for DANZ76-81
- 5.2.1 Omni-channel strategy, upgrade the O2O mode and integrate the online and offlineresources76-79
- 5.2.2 The diversification strategy of the product and brand79-80
- 5.2.3 Differentiation strategy and overall cost leadership strategy80
- 5.2.4 The strategy of merger and acquisition80-81
- 5.3 Methods for the Implementation of Its Strategy81-85
- 5.3.1 Reinforcement of the Top-Level Design, Establishment of Organization for ProperStrategic Objective81-84
- 5.3.2 Strengthen the capacity of product development, enhance core competitivenessby continuous innovation84-85
- 5.3.3 Provide strong financial support with resources85
- 5.4 Other Strategies for Policy-Implementation85-92
- 5.4.1 Package Strategy85-87
- 5.4.2 Forging Golden Product87
- 5.4.3 Marketing Strategy87-92
- 6 Conclusions92-94
- 6.1 Conclusions and Prospects92-93
- 6.2 Value for Application93
- 6.3 Suggestions for Further Studies93-94
- 7 References94-96
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