本文关键词: 水资源费 现状与问题 理论定价公式 对策与建议 出处:《河北经贸大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Water resources are not only the necessities of people's life, but also the factors of production that enterprises depend on. Their supply and demand are related to the national livelihood and national economic development. Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid economic development of our country. The contradiction between economic development and water resources shortage is becoming more and more prominent. Water resources shortage has become a factor restricting the sustainable development of national economy. China began to collect water resources fees at the end of -30s and 80s. Taking water resources fee as an important economic means to promote the effective utilization of water resources, however, in the process of implementation of this system, there are still some problems in determining water resources fee methods that are not scientific enough, and the standard of water resources fee collection is on the low side. Some related problems, such as non-standard collection management and difficult collection of water resources fee, have hindered the normal play of this system. How to solve the above problems and establish a reasonable water resources fee charging system. In 2016, Hebei Province was confirmed as the first water resources tax reform pilot, from the pilot point of view of water resources tax collection standards. The object is determined according to the collection standard and object of water resources fee. Therefore, this paper takes the relevant policy and data of water resources fee in Hebei Province as an example to discuss the problems existing in the current water resource charge system. The countermeasures of further perfecting the water resources fee system are put forward. It is of theoretical and practical significance to further improve the water resources charge system and water resources fee tax in other provinces. This paper applies investigation and research in the process of writing and makes a comparison between China and foreign countries. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part: introduce the background and significance of the topic, the research content and structure of this paper, research methods and possible innovations. The second part: elaborated the meaning of water resources fee, summarized the basic theory of water resources fee, namely Marx's land rent theory and value theory, property right theory. The theory of public goods explains the necessity and importance of implementing water resources charges. The third part analyzes the current situation of water resources in Hebei Province and the evolution of water resources charging system. This paper discusses the main problems existing in the water resources charging system. Part 4th: summarizes the methods of water resources charging abroad. This paper summarizes the experience that can be used for reference. Part 5th: further puts forward the countermeasures to improve the water resources charging system, and expounds the goal of water resources fee formulation. On the basis of principle, the paper puts forward the basic theoretical model and optimization model of water resources fee pricing. Part 6th: aiming at the problems existing in the water resources charging system, combining the actual situation of Hebei Province and the advanced reform experience of foreign countries. In order to further promote the effective allocation of water resources, this paper puts forward corresponding policy suggestions from the aspects of water resources charge system, water resources fee management system, water resources fee reform and so on.
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