本文选题:土地财政 切入点:经济增长 出处:《南京农业大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the 1990s, China's economy has developed rapidly, and the GDP has risen from seventh place in the world to second in the world. During this period, the annual economic growth rate exceeded 10%. While the economy was developing rapidly, China has also entered the stage of rapid urbanization in the period of economic transformation, and the scale of land finance has been expanded, which has become the focus of our country's economic growth. The relationship between land finance and economic growth is also discussed in academic circles. This paper first defines the concepts of land finance and economic growth. This paper introduces the theoretical basis of the formation of land finance, and then analyzes the mechanism of the influence of land finance on economic growth from the perspective of local government income and expenditure. On this basis, 31 provinces (municipalities directly under the Central Government) are selected from 1999 to 2011. The panel data of the autonomous region, using the endogenous economic growth model, The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Land finance may promote economic growth in the following two ways: first, by increasing the government budget and extrabudgetary income, The second is to stimulate economic growth by attracting foreign capital inflows. However, land finance may also have some negative effects on economic growth, such as raising local fiscal risks. Leading to an imbalance in the regional economic structure, causing damage to the interests of farmers, etc.) from the national level, land finance, The influence of private capital and local budgetary revenue on economic growth is significant except for land related tax revenue. From the regional level, land finance has a significant role in promoting economic growth in the eastern region; The contribution of private capital to economic growth is the largest in the central region and the same in the eastern and western regions. In addition to land related tax revenue, the impact of per capita budget income on economic growth is that the west is greater than the east and the east is greater than the central. Finally, based on the above research results, the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward to optimize the expenditure structure and direction. To improve the utilization efficiency of land finance. 2) to improve the environment of attracting capital, and to take the enterprises to land. 3) to solve the negative problems caused by land finance. (4) to strengthen the investment of private capital and to expand the revenue at the same time.
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