本文选题:对口支援 + 横向转移支付 ; 参考:《地方财政研究》2017年08期
[Abstract]:Counterpart support mainly reflects the function of fiscal income distribution, which belongs to the central government. Transferring the responsibility of the central government to the local government is a reflection of the misalignment of the fiscal functions between the governments. After the reform of the tax sharing financial system, the local financial gap has become the new normal for the allocation of inter-governmental financial resources, and it is not appropriate to continue to expand the scope and strength of "counterpart support". The color of horizontal fiscal transfer payment "robbing the rich and helping the poor" is very prominent, and it is very easy to cause contradictions and conflicts between regions, and its effective implementation has special preconditions, and not all countries are suitable. In contrast, the political acceptability of vertical fiscal transfer payment is much stronger. As long as the system is properly designed, vertical fiscal transfer payment can also achieve better horizontal fiscal balance. The establishment of horizontal fiscal transfer payment on the basis of counterpart support system increases the level of inter-governmental financial allocation, the corresponding system arrangement is more complex, and the implementation cost is increasing, and the interest disputes arising therefrom are more complicated. Each component of counterpart support mechanism should be reformed according to the nature of project. Regional counterpart support and project counterpart support should be withdrawn into vertical financial transfer payment, but emergency counterpart support should be retained.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学;
【基金】:武汉大学自主科研项目(人文社会科学)阶段性研究成果 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金的资助
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