[Abstract]:Mixed ownership economy is an important realization form of our country's basic economic system. In November 2014, Liaoning Province issued "opinions on further deepening the Reform of State-owned Enterprises in the whole Province" to promote the development of mixed ownership economy. In the process of promoting the development of the mixed ownership economy and promoting the reform of state-owned enterprises, Liaoning Province has adopted increased financial subsidies, reduced expenses, implemented tax exemptions and reduced land sales fees. A series of fiscal policies, such as giving priority to the use of land transfer funds, have achieved positive results. However, there are still some problems, such as the lack of distinction between fiscal policies, the low proportion of state-owned capital operating income, and the unreasonable structure of state-owned enterprises' dividend expenditure. Policy losses and non-policy losses are not clearly defined and a series of problems. In the future, it is necessary to reform the fiscal policy, the proportion of state-owned capital income, the structure of dividend expenditure, the form of expenditure and so on, so as to promote the development of Liaoning mixed ownership economy.
【作者单位】: 中共辽宁省委党校;
【基金】:2014年财政科研基金项目“支持辽宁混合所有制经济发展财政政策研究” 2014年沈阳市社科基金项目“关于沈阳发展混合所有制企业的对策研究” 2015年辽宁省社科基金项目“辽宁地方财政或有债务风险评价与预警研究”(L15BTJ002)的阶段性研究成果
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