[Abstract]:Grain is a special commodity and important strategic material related to the national economy and people's livelihood. In recent years, the world grain supply and demand contradictions are increasingly acute, food security issues are more prominent. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the issue of food security. Since 2004, the Chinese government has been implementing a nationwide policy of direct grain subsidies to arouse farmers' enthusiasm for grain cultivation. With the support and stimulation of the state policy, China's grain production has achieved "nine consecutive increases". As one of the most important grain producing areas in China, Jiangsu Province has been carrying out the policies of supporting agriculture. As early as 2003, Jiangsu Province took the lead in experimenting with grain direct subsidy policy in five large output counties in Jiangsu Province. With the continuous improvement in recent years, the direct grain subsidy system in Jiangsu Province gradually formed, and its effect on increasing farmers' production and income is also increasingly apparent. Therefore, a careful study of the current situation of grain subsidies in Jiangsu Province and the impact of direct grain subsidy policies on grain production will improve the grain subsidy policy in Jiangsu Province and ensure the self-sufficiency of grain production in Jiangsu Province. It is of great practical significance to maintain regional food security. Based on the theoretical basis of grain direct subsidy, the economic analysis of grain direct subsidy yield effect and the path of grain direct subsidy yield effect, This paper analyzes the evolution and implementation of direct grain subsidy policy in Jiangsu Province. Then the paper constructs the grain production function of Jiangsu province including the policy variable of grain direct subsidy and the cross-term between this variable and other factors of production by using the extended C ~ (?) D function. Based on the panel data of 13 cities in Jiangsu Province from 2004 to 2012, the overall effect of direct grain subsidy policy on grain output in Jiangsu Province and the effects on grain output in three regions of Jiangsu Province, Southern Jiangsu, Central Jiangsu and Northern Jiangsu, were empirically tested. The results show that the grain direct subsidy policy has an important influence on the grain yield in Jiangsu Province in general, and it can affect the grain yield by affecting the farmers' behavior to engage in grain production activities. However, the yield effect of grain direct supplement policy in different regions shows different characteristics, which depends on the difference of factor endowment among the three regions and the imbalance of economic development. Finally, according to these conclusions, this paper puts forward the corresponding policy suggestions, thinks that the standard of grain direct subsidy should be raised step by step, and establishes the linkage mechanism between grain direct subsidy and grain market price and agricultural price in Jiangsu Province, and puts forward some suggestions on the relationship between grain direct subsidy and grain market price and agricultural price. We should encourage sub-regions and varieties to implement different grain subsidy policies, encourage the transfer of rural land contractual management rights, and speed up the transfer of rural surplus labor force.
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