上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 我国中小企业市场营销战略探讨——以上海正航电子公司为例 姓名:刘弢 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:工商管理 指导教师:陈亚民 20090111 我国中小企业市场营销战略探讨 我国中小企业市场营销战略探讨 -以上海正航电子公司为例 摘 要 改革开放以来,我国中小企业得到了蓬勃发展,在国民经济的各 个方面发挥着积极作用。但大多数中小企业受规模小、资源有限、抗 风险能力弱等因素限制,在竞争中常 处于不利的地位。特别是进 入 2008 年以来,以美国次级房贷危机为导火索的全球性经济危机越演越 烈,加上国内宏观环境的一系列变化,,使很多中小企业措手不及,陷 入困境。中小企业的生存和发展也日益成为人们关注的重要话题。 虽然中小企业发展中可能遇到的问题十分纷繁复杂,但经作者研 究发现,市场营销能力与企业发展的需求不匹配是其主要矛盾。而要 快速提升自己的市场营销能力,中小企业就必须在制定市场营销战略 时运用科学的方法和遵循一定的客观规律。因为中小企业和大型企业 在企业运营特点、竞争特性及所处不同企业生命周期等方面的差异, 不能简单使用和大企业同样营销战略制定标准。所以,根据其中的差 别而提炼出能为我国中小企业所借鉴的营销战略制定法则就显得尤为 重要。 本文从中小企业的定义和作用等研究基础出发,依据市场营销战 略相关理论,通过分析比较中小企业和大企业在营销战略中的不 同 点,归纳总 结了中小企业 市场营销战略所应遵循的 SFDI 法则,即 Speed 速度、Focus 专注、Diversity 差异化和 Innovation 创新这四大 法则。再以这四大法则为指导思想运用到上海正航电子有限公司的营 销战略案例中去,作为实证研究。期望本文对 SFDI 法则的总结能够为 中小企业营销战略的正确制定带来启发。 从客观规律出发总结了中小企业营销战略应遵守的 SFDI 法则是本 文的主要创新之处。此外,不是就营销而论营销,而是站在企业长远 发展的角度去思考问题,在我认为也是一个有益的尝试。 关键词:中小企业 营销 营销战略 SFDI 法则 我国中小企业市场营销战略探讨 M ARKET IN G STR ATE GY STUDY O F CHINESE SMALL AN D MEDIUE - S IZE D ENTERPR ISES -USE SH AN GH AI C HION C ORP OR ATION AS AN EXAMP LE ABSTRACT Experienced the thirty years of Reform and Opening-up, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China are increasingly developing and growing with their own distinctive advantages. SMEs are playing positive important roles in national economics. But most of SMEs, because of limited resource and weak risk-resistant abilities, can not get priority position when compete with large companies. Especially after Y2008, as world financial crisis expands and domestic market environment changes, lots of Chinese SMEs go into trouble situation. Although there are many troubles need Chinese SMEs to overcome, author find that marketing abilities can not match company increasing demand is the key point to solve problems. And if SMEs want to enhance their marketing abilities, they have to re-consider their marketing strategy. SMEs and large companies have different operating character, compete feature, in different enterprise life phase. Therefore, it’s essential to study the differences and conclude unique principles for making appropriate marketing strategy for Chinese SMEs. 我国中小企业市场营销战略探讨 This thesis, starting from basic concept defines, uses SMEs management and marketing strategy theory, analyze the complex dynamic difference between SMEs and large companies, finally conclude SFDI (Speed, Focus, Diversity, Innovation) principles for SMEs marketing strategy. At last chapter, author use the SFDI principles in Shanghai CHION Corporation case for an example. Hopefully, the SFDI principle could provide SMEs managers a stronger guiding of marketing strategy, lead company to achieve success in fierce competition. The most innovative viewpoint of this thesis is the objective conclusion of SFDI principle for SMEs marketing strategy. KEY WORDS: SMEs, Marketing, Marketing strategy, SFDI principle 百事通文档