发布时间:2018-03-09 17:17
本文选题:消费者涉入度 切入点:品牌关系质量 出处:《山东大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:伴随着关系营销的理论及实践的飞速发展,消费者与品牌间的关系(文中简称为“品牌关系”)研究已然成为品牌关系营销的前沿课题。企业进行品牌关系管理的用意在于留住老消费者、发展新消费者,并维持消费者忠诚。但尽管企业为管理品牌关系付出极大的努力,结果却往往不如其预期中理想。究其原因,品牌关系是十分脆弱的,消费者与品牌间的关系会随着时间发生改变,已建立起的品牌关系可能会受到各种原因影响而断裂抑或中止,甚至会终止和消亡。但是,关系的断裂并不意味着消费者一定会与品牌永远断联。消费者与品牌之间的关系可能会历经“建立-断裂-再续”的动态变化过程,意味着在某些特定的条件下,断裂的关系仍有机会被企业修复。营销实践表明,企业若能采取适当修补断裂关系的补救行为,则企业仍有机会与消费者修复断裂的品牌关系,这也是稳定消费者品牌关系、维持长久发展的重要保证。消费者涉入度对于消费者重复购买行为的影响也已被众多学者所证明。但在品牌关系断裂的情境下,消费者涉入度是否依旧能够影响消费者对关系破裂的品牌的重购行为,与品牌再续前缘?企业早期为通过提高消费者涉入度来提高品牌关系质量而付诸的努力,而在关系破裂后,破裂前较高的品牌关系质量又是否能否为再续品牌关系提供帮助?因此,本文主要从消费者的角度出发,分析消费者涉入度对品牌关系再续意向的影响作用,并选取消费者品牌关系质量作为中介变量进行研究,以期能对我国现有品牌关系的研究作出些许贡献。本研究通过发放调查问卷收集有关消费者涉入度对品牌关系再续意愿的影响方面的数据,通过SPSS 19.0和AMOS 20.0统计软件,对收集的数据进行结构方程模型统计分析,并对本研究提出的相关研究假设进行验证。研究结果显示,消费者认知涉入度对品牌关系质量有显著负向影响;消费者情感涉入度对品牌关系质量有显著正向影响;品牌关系质量对消费者品牌关系再续意愿有显著正向的影响;消费者涉入度对消费者品牌关系再续意愿有显著正向的影响;此外,品牌关系质量在消费者涉入度与消费者品牌关系再续意愿之间起中介作用。本研究的创新点主要是:验证了消费者涉入度与品牌关系再续意愿之间的关系模型,对现有理论进行补充;从消费者视角出发,通过实证分析研究了消费者的涉入度和品牌关系质量作为影响消费者品牌关系再续意愿的前因变量,对品牌关系再续意愿的影响路径。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of relationship marketing theory and practice, The study of the relationship between consumers and brands (referred to as "brand relationship") has become a leading issue in brand relationship marketing. The intention of brand relationship management in enterprises is to retain old consumers and develop new consumers. And to maintain consumer loyalty. But despite the great efforts made by enterprises to manage brand relationships, the results are often not as ideal as expected. The reason for this is that brand relationships are very fragile. The relationship between consumer and brand will change over time, the established brand relationship may be affected by a variety of reasons to break down, stop, or even end and die. The relationship between the consumer and the brand may go through the dynamic process of "build-break-continue", which means that under certain conditions, the relationship between the consumer and the brand will not be connected with the brand forever. Marketing practice shows that if enterprises can take appropriate remedial actions to repair broken relationships, enterprises will still have the opportunity to repair broken brand relationships with consumers, which is also a way to stabilize consumer brand relationships. The influence of consumer involvement on consumer repeat purchase behavior has been proved by many scholars. However, in the context of broken brand relationship, the influence of consumer involvement on repeated purchase behavior has been proved by many scholars. Will the involvement of consumers still affect the repurchase behavior of the brand that the relationship is broken down, and the brand will continue to be the leading edge? The early efforts of enterprises to improve the quality of brand relationships by increasing the involvement of consumers, and after the breakdown of the relationship, can the higher quality of brand relationships before break down to provide help for the continuation of brand relationships? Therefore, this paper mainly from the perspective of consumers, analyzes the impact of consumer involvement on the intention to continue the brand relationship, and selects the quality of consumer brand relationship as an intermediary variable to study. In order to make some contribution to the research of brand relationship in China, this study collected the data on the influence of consumer involvement on brand relationship renewal intention by issuing questionnaires, and through SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 20.0 statistical software, Statistical analysis of the data collected by structural equation model and validation of the relevant research hypotheses proposed in this study. The results show that consumer cognitive involvement has a significant negative impact on the quality of brand relationship; Consumer affective involvement has a significant positive impact on brand relationship quality, brand relationship quality has a significant positive impact on consumer brand relationship re-continuation willingness, consumer involvement degree has significant positive impact on consumer brand relationship re-continuation willingness. In addition, brand relationship quality plays an intermediary role between consumer involvement and consumers' willingness to continue brand relationship. The innovation of this study is to verify the relationship model between consumer involvement and brand relationship recontinuity. From the perspective of consumers, this paper studies the degree of involvement of consumers and the quality of brand relationships as the pre-dependent variables that affect consumers' willingness to continue brand relationships. The influence path to brand relationship recontinuation will.
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