本文选题:电力营销 + 移动作业 ; 参考:《天津大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, the number of smartphone users has increased dramatically. The diversity of applications based on smart phones has gradually extended to people's lives. The characteristics of interactive and convenient application have brought great convenience to people's life, and gradually changed the people's dependence on traditional Internet applications, thus making the smartphone terminal become an indispensable part of people's life. Under this background, the electric power company proposes to construct the electric power marketing service system, make full use of the mobile Internet to provide personalized, self-service, diversified and convenient service for the users, and provide the mobile operation platform for the field operators. Create a "new model of mobile marketing services." The realization of mobile operation and monitoring of electric power marketing can further optimize the business process of power marketing, shorten the management chain, strengthen business convergence, promote business integration, and make the operation more homogeneous through mobile customer service. Make the service more personalized, accelerate customer response speed; through the integration of communication capabilities, further strengthen the internal levels of enterprises, departments and between enterprises and customers between the smooth communication and quick interaction. From the point of view of software engineering design, this paper analyzes the demand of power marketing mobile service business, considering the system development technology, data security and other factors, combined with the power marketing mobile service system reliability, ease of use requirements. To design a comprehensive system solution based on mature database architecture to meet the application requirements of power marketing mobile services, and to analyze the business requirements of traditional marketing business and new business. Establishing the mobile service model of electric power marketing, which is widely applicable in the industry. (2) constructing the advanced mobile operation platform in the industry, setting up the standard interface specification for the interaction between the inside and outside networks, developing a set of security and stability, Widely used in mobile applications. Based on the reference of a large number of domestic and foreign technical books and industry literature, this paper combines the actual demand of mobile power marketing services and the orientation of the latest national power development policy. Design and develop a mobile platform focused on improving customer service quality.
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