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发布时间:2019-05-08 18:22
【摘要】:正中国传统文化源远流长,博大精深,以儒家思想为主体,同时包含道家、法家等思想。其中蕴藏着的许多哲学思想和道理,在几千年前就达到了很高的境界,并对后人产生重大的影响。一.中国传统文化中的管理智慧1.中国传统文化的基本精神之一是注意“和为贵”,坚持“中庸之道”。孔子讲“礼之用,和为贵。先王之道,斯为美,小大由之。有所不行,知和而和,不以礼节之,亦不可行也。”(《论语. 学而》)。这是强调以礼为标准和谐,是一种贵和须息争,息争以护和的和谐论。孟子也主张“天时不如地利,地利不如人和”,反映在生活层面上又表达为“和气生财”“家和万事兴”,而儒家所强调的中庸之道,是摒弃偏激,实现“和”的基本途径。孔子说“
[Abstract]:Chinese traditional culture has a long history, broad and profound, Confucianism as the main body, including Taoist, legalist, and so on. Among them, many philosophical thoughts and principles reached a very high level thousands of years ago, and have a significant impact on future generations. I. Management wisdom in Chinese traditional culture. One of the basic spirits of Chinese traditional culture is to pay attention to harmony and to adhere to the doctrine of the mean. Confucius taught "the use of etiquette, and for the most part." The way of the first king is beautiful, and the small is great. It is not possible to know and reconcile without etiquette. "(< Analects of Confucius. Learn and learn). This is a harmony theory that emphasizes respect as the standard of harmony, and it is a kind of harmony in which the harmony should be disputed, and the dispute is based on the protection of harmony. Mencius also advocated that "weather is not as favorable as geography and geography is not as good as human harmony", which is reflected in the expression of "harmony and wealth" and "prosperity of all things" at the level of life, while the Confucian emphasis on the mean is the basic way to abandon extremes and achieve "harmony". Confucius said, "
【作者单位】: 东营职业学院


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