公共行政伦理作为行政领域的道德规范,是一种特殊的职业道德。它能使行政主体树立相应的行政理念,从而规范和约束他们的行政行为。服务型政府的建设自然离不开与之相适应的公共行政伦理,其重要意 义日渐凸显。公共行政伦理是建设服务型政府的重要一环,而服务型政府建设也对公共行政伦理提出了新的要求。基于此,本文在“服务型政府”的视野下,探讨与之相对应的“服务行政伦理”的建设不足。论文各章主要观点如下:第一章,传统公共行政伦理已不能适应社会的发展,它与经济、政治体制的脱节带来了一系列不良的社会现象。在对此进行反思的基础上,党和政府提出了建设服务型政府的重大战略任务,并要求确立与之相适应的行政理念,革新和建设行政主体的自身伦理。第二章,服务型政府视野下的公共行政伦理,本文称之为服务行政伦理。与管理行政伦理相比较,服务行政伦理更加突出服务导向,更有亲和力,其接受效果也更好。它体现了公平正义、以人为本的行政精神和依法行政的行政理念,强调“官民互信”。第三章,将服务行政伦理定位于建设服务型政府的灵魂。作为对服务型政府建设起决定和主导作用的“灵魂”,它具有重要的作用,包括转变行政主体的传统行政伦理观,引导和规范行政主体的行政行为,调整政府、社会与公民的行政伦理关系等。第四章,本章试图在公共行政伦理研究对象上,从一般意 义上对政府机构及其公务人员的浅析浅析,增加对公民参与权利义务的浅析浅析。第五章,建设服务行政伦理要首先建设行政主体自身的伦理,同时要建设相应的监督、绩效评估、行政问责等硬性规范,为行政伦理约束提供有力保障。
【Abstract】 As ethics of the administrative areas, public administration ethics is a special professional ethics. It can establish the appropriate administrative body of administrative philosophy, which regulate and restrict them in administrative behavior. Building service-oriented government can not do without public administration ethics, and it becomes more and more important. Public administration ethics is an important part of building service government, and service-oriented government building is also proposed new requirements for administration ethics. Based on this, the article in the service-oriented government perspective studies the building of service administrative ethics. The main points of thesis chapters are as follows:The first chapter, the traditional public administration ethics can not meet the development of economic and political system. So it has brought a series of negative social problems. Based on this reflection, our party has put forward to build a service-oriented government, and request for the establishment of administrative philosophy and construction administration ethics of the subject’s own.Chapter II, in this paper, the public administration ethics of service government is called the Service Administration Ethics. Compared to the administrative ethics which is control, the service administration ethics is more outstanding service orientation, more affinity, and its effect is better also. It reflects the fairness and justice, the spirit of people-oriented administration and the concept of administration according to law. It also stresses the trust between the officials and the people.Chapter III, service administration ethics is the soul of service-oriented government. As a soul, it’s very important to the construction of service-oriented government. It can change the traditional administrative concepts, guide and regulate the administrative behavior, and adjust the relations among government, society and the citizens.Chapter IV, this chapter tried to study ethics in public administration, from the ordinary sense of the government agencies and civil servants of the area, the expansion behavior of the entire public administration objects involved, including government agencies, public officials, community organizations and citizens analysis of rights and obligations.Chapter V, administrative body’s own ethics plays a important role in the construction of service administration ethics. And we must raise the chief subjects’self-restraint and normative in many ways. While also we should build the appropriate supervision, performance evaluation, rigid administrative accountability for the strong supports to improve administrative ethics constraints.
【关键词】 服务行政伦理; 服务型政府; 灵魂;【Key words】 service administrative ethics; service-oriented government; soul;
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